Happy Birthday Keebtalk! 🥳

I might be mistaken since no one else has mentioned it, but isn’t today Keebtalk’s anniversary?

I’m glad this site exists and hope it continues to live long and prosper.


Wow, a year has gone by already? Holy Moly how time flies! Yeah it’s been a great year for Keebtalk I think. A slow start that has slowly turned into a nice group of regulars with newcomers joining in bit by bit. I’m honestly really happy with where Keebtalk is heading! :smiley:




I’m definitely enjoying it!


Happy birthday Keebtalk! Great little community on here :smile:


Yeah really I did a double take also when I realized it’s been a year already! Time does fly, it has been a great year with everybody here though! I think KT is off to a great start myself. What we lack in numbers, we make up for with great content & personalities! :sunglasses: :metal:


Uh yeah… er we definitely remembered KeebTalk’s birthday…

But seriously it’s been awesome watching the community grow with such great people. I look forward to continuing to find ways to grow our community and continue to ensure that it’s welcoming!


Great hobby, great people, and high signal-to-noise ratio. Looking forward to year two!


I’m loving this place, and the primo nickname i managed to snag so early!


Happy birthday, Keebtalk. Love this little forum. In fact, it’s pretty much the only one I’m active on anymore, so a big thanks to everyone who keeps this place running!




I’m close to in the same boat bud. KT is definitely what I would consider my home base in the MKB community now. I still stay somewhat active on GH & DT, but have just about disappeared from r/mk since we got started here. Between being more familiar & friendly with everyone here vs any of the other sites, the fact there is very little if any shit posting here, & most importantly our community’s ability to keep even extreme differences in opinion very civil when being discussed. I can’t see any reason to value any of the other community sites over here.

Not saying the others don’t have their place & shouldn’t be used, but KT is where I come to hang out. GH is mostly for GBs to me now, DT is mostly my database for vintage switches/boards, & r/mk, r/customkeyboards have become places I mostly avoid as they seem to be more dickswinging contests than forum/message boards nowadays IMO, LOL.


I visit KT more than any other forum, simply because the Discourse platform is leagues better on mobile than any of the others.

This is a good place. Happy Birthday!


No kidding. Good mobile platform is so important and discourse has it down pretty well. As mentioned prior the ability for discussion to stay civil is also extremely important. I’ve enjoyed the transition to keebtalk


Happy belated birthday, Agree, platform is super nice.


Yes KT is a nice place, the discussions are civilized and constructive, it’s so rare today on the Internet :neutral_face:


This place is so much more conducive to discussion than RMK - listen, I love the sub to death, it’s what got me into keebs, but the format is built around making the prettiest thing possible, and that does not make for effective keyboard discourse. It is, in less elegant words, a giant

by virtue of format alone, and I simply can’t stand that anymore.


It also just feels like so much of how Reddit is structured is not really conducive to onboarding people to communities in particularly effective ways? The subreddit is full of people asking things that are outlined in the wiki or belong in a sticky, but because it can only have one sticky at a time and reddit doesn’t do much to actually funnel people to the sticky it ends up being a morass of the same memes I’ve seen fifty times in a week, the aforementioned

and people asking questions whose answers are easily-findable that have been provided an infinite number of times.

I really and truly don’t believe it’s a model upon which a healthy long-term community can be built.


Plus, the wiki was last cleaned up when people knew who the hell Ripster is, and the Discord, which is the other immediate-answer-place, is something i left because it was getting to be too much.


The problem of RMK is the concept of Reddit, it’s not like a forum, it’s a sort of wall with in first the most viral post so you only see what people voted for.
On Reddit, you don’t have “communities” with known users and sharing like here or on classic forum. Here, we all have a pseudo and an avatar, we can see what people do and who post, i prefer that way.
For me RMK and Reddit in general, it’s a sort of “Facebook”, i go on it to see things, click on links but i’m not really into it.