HHKB: Now in SNOW?

Also guilty of this. I mean the board is cool too, but i’ll likely keep it in the box unmodified as a collection piece. White caps will look nice on the heavy grail though. It’s a shame the blanks were available in such small quantity :confused:

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I need the all-white blanks so badly.


Looks like everything is sold out in Japan. Hopefully they release it in the US soon.

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Hey Guys, topre_user here! Got some more photos of the Snow:


Also, I noticed when taking all these keycaps on and off, that the HHKB Pro 2 caps are all thinner than the new HHKB (Pro 3) caps. Even the Classic’s caps are more thick.

The keycap on the left is from an HHKB Pro 2. The one right next to it is the same cap from HHKB Classic, then the new color key pack, finally a snow cap.

Maybe thats already known? Anyway, I just found that out, so wanted to mention incase it was news to anyone else.

And those Pro 2 spacebars are looking a lot different!

As was said earlier in the thread, glad to see PFU, HHKB, and Topre are still doing well and improving! And get some Classic keycaps if you’re still using Pro 2 keycaps! The increased thickness feels nice


Do you have calipers to measure the new thinness vs the old thickness?

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I’m sorry @Manofinterests I don’t!

And to be clear; the new caps are thick.

Old caps are thin


New caps > Old caps IMO

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Does anyone know if these blank keycaps set selling on amazon are the old or new keycaps?

@linch right? I got an extra set of caps back before Pro 3 came out and never thought about it. Those extras were also the Pro 2 thinness.

I recently got a Classic to build out my Heavy Grail, was swapping caps for these photos and realized, hang on… these new ones are different!

My guess is all the Pro 3 era keyboards and keycap sets are the new thickness, but its just a guess.

Next time I get extra caps, I’ll buy from PFU directly. I’d think thats a better chance of getting the new product


So those are pro 2 keycaps? I got the color key from amazon. They seem to have the same thickness as the new pro 3 keycaps. But I am not sure about these blank and the spacebar material.

you mean to buy from PFU japan?

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@linch I’ll lay out what happened.

Back in the day, I got a black Pro 2. Super high edge on the spacebar, keycaps were what they were. Later, I figured, hey, can’t read these caps, and I got a set of replacement caps in the gray / light gray.

Fast forward to last night, was taking caps off my HHKB Classic. The HHKB Classic, HHKB Snow, and those new colored keycap Esc and Control all felt heavier and thicker than the caps from the Pro 2 era.

Its just an eyeball test, but in that photo they look to be different thicknesses to me. And they feel different. They make a different sound when dropping them on a table. The old Pro 2 era caps, what I’m saying are more thin, make a higher pitched sound than the newer caps.

Ok, and no, I just mean PFU or PFU’s USA shop vs Amazon or some other seller. PFU would be more likely to have the latest stuff in stock, other sellers could still have old stock, was my thinking.


And well no they don’t have the keycaps on the site… Ok, sorry to start this whole panic. I’ll make a sound test video.

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Ok, so I didn’t expect to get into videos…

This is super rough. Hopefully this helps.

I will defer to @Manofinterests or other Keeb elders on the exact difference here, I don’t have calipers or a nicer A/V setup for videos

Pro 2 era key on the left; HHKB Classic key on the right

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I want those green and blue mods.

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Really hoping to snag this board + a few keysets when it drops.

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Being someone who is a huge fan of HHKBs (have a 300BN, yellowed Pro 1, white Pro 1, and two Pro 2s), I’m so jealous you managed to snag that blank set. So good!


Bought mine off buyee and it’s already shipping to the US from Japan. Pretty good service :+1:t2:

Sure hope they saved a few of those white blanks for the US market



Here’s hoping they’re right :pray:


I have a feeling they may be selling other blanks not just snow white in the US, or at least i hope :pray:

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