How do you shift?

I have a 1u space key under my right thumb (Planck/Corne keyboards), when I hold it it acts as shift. It’s convenient to type while holding it: all other fingers are free and the hands don’t move from their normal position.
I still use left pinky shift sometimes (which is ` on hold) for some shortcuts, e.g. cmd-shift or alt-shift, just out of a habit.


I’ve disabled my CapsLock key. It’s saved me a lot of trouble, since my typing style tends toward “mash and bash”.

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A keyboard only needs one shift key, and that shift key should be a thumb key.

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Strong disagree

I usually shift twice a day. Sometimes it’s less on the weekends. :grimacing:


I, too, drive a car with a manual transmission.


Left shift literally 96% of the time (pulled board statistics off…yes I did)


Yep, I drive a stick shift because I’m a damn man. :sunglasses: :muscle:

You ride in an automatic, you drive a manual.

I drive a joystick… What’s your point?

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When I type I use both Shift (standard typing technique). When I edit I use right Shift for selecting text/graphics (with nav keys or the mouse under my left hand). I press Shift+Enter/Backspace/Insert/Delete by right Shift and Shift+Tab/Esc/Alt by left Shift.

This will be interesting


Yeesh. That’d take a while to get used to for me even as a primary left shifter. Just feel wrong to use left shift for ?!@#.

Sure looks pretty though.

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Yeah… I was wondering if people from this thread that don’t use the right shift, would use this.
It’s more than not using that key, is the change in layout with the arrow cluster positioned even closer to the alphas especially for an alice.


I’m a primarily right shift person and no way would I even consider that thing

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Hmm, as a dual-wielding shift key user, I would probably move the ? key to the blank key (right of the right spacebar) and make the current ? key into a shift key.

Interestingly, that would also solve some people’s issue with reachability from the home keys on the right side.

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I’m a RSFT_T(KC_SLSH) and more recently LSFT_T(KC_Z) kinda guy. Less of a stretch!

This is kinda a necessity once you’re bellow a certain key count though. Currently teaching myself to use 34 efficiently.

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The funny thing is that then you NEED those two shifts, because you need some way to type Z and ?.


As a long time MacBook user, the right shift is somewhat of a novelty these days as so many macOS keyboard commands require the ^Control key. My unconscious conditioning has for sure impacted my ability to use the right shift even when it’s more convenient to do so. Weird.


Lol, never looked at it that way :face_with_monocle:

My dependence on Right Shift totally destroys my ability to use 65% keyboards or a split right shift.

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