Interesting Finds & Heads-Ups

He gave kind of a update the other week. He have shipped around 300 orders since mid December.

One of our local Machinist/Keyboard enthusiasts has come up with a very affordable, all-aluminum 10-key macropad with an encoder. You even have the option to get it unfinished as I did. So I will be making a trip to the Cerakoter very soon. Being a local, I had to opt for the PDXKBC logo knob.

It builds up like this:

Which, coincidentally, is the only color it’s available in. It should also be noted that these are IN STOCK, not a group buy or pre-order. I placed my order and got it the next week.

Here’s his shop:


Gotta love a good old Hall of Shame.

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Brand new cap manu. :thinking:


I wonder what the quality of the caps are. 65 bucks is a quite good price if the quality is acceptable.

Yeah, i saw that one, the price is pretty good and i like the color scheme, and its supposed to ship q3 which is a lot better than other manus nowadays

Yeah it peaked my interest cause the color scheme was quite unique!

Looks a bit like gmk nuclear data, a set i’ve been trying to get for a while.

Im thinking of getting that set, but I do like how they have a bundle for their GB stuff

Even though it came out in 2004, somehow nothing seems more late-90’s than Mountain Dew Baja Blast in a Jazz cup.




I think they nailed it.


I now desperately want a Jazz cup-themed keycap set.


PrimeCaps did these artisans around 4 years back.


The “Jazzcap”


I’m am filled with so much 1990’s era dread at the sight of those. God, the teal, was everywhere. All the abstract shapes and splashy flourishes.

The horror.


Well, that certainly is what it says on the tin! I think the concept in my head was a little less on the nose but I have no business designing a keycap set. At the rate we’re going it’d be years before it was a reality anyway :sweat_smile:

If people want 90’s, this is another one to keep and eye on. [IC] DCS Windbreaker - GB Launches May 20th


One can hold out hope that what started as a joke eventually becomes real.

i literally just went to taco bell and i open keebtalk to baja blast lol


It’s weird alright. Who really wants Del and End right next to each other? And where’s the home key.

Yeah, I like the language of the design - retro military-esque style. I agree, it’s all over the place.

New round of CA66 announced on Play Keyboards discord!

Two new colors. No word on PCB or mounting improvements (doubtful).


I had not heard of this board before, but apparently it has some following. It’s a neat board although I’m challenged by the bottom row and I can’t say I really dig the side USB plug.

I’m mostly waiting for them the launch the Command65.

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