KBDcraft Adam 60% with a gasket mount LEGO case, QMK/VIAL, hot swappable, RGBs, POM plate & Poron

Hi, pls wich keybord from qmk github project is best for adam?


Nice! I was going to try to assemble an orange version, but apparently there are no 32x64 orange base plates in existence :disappointed:

Also, I had to move my minifig to the right-hand side because I kept hitting it thinking it was escape :crazy_face:

The board comes pre-flashed with a VIAL FW, no need to reflash.

i have modifications for my other keyboard in qmk_firmware git, for me is super convinient to have it as source code and compile them. not using ui a lot. Thought I just pick some 64 keyb and modify binding in keymap.c file as am used to…

i have modifications for my other keyboard in qmk_firmware git, for me is super convinient to have it as source code and compile them. not using ui a lot. Thought I just pick some 64 keyb and modify binding in keymap.c file as am used to…

Update to report that I picked up some TX plate mount stabilizers and they fixed the issue.

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Don’t know if anyone ever solved this one for you. Order matters. You have to type Shift-Fn-Esc for the ~ symbol.

Cool to see new accessoaries being made for it


Nice! And the new gray is available. I don’t need 2 Lego cases but I sure just bought another. :rofl:


Do you guys like the quick release design?

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Yeah, that’s really creative!

How bout the magnetic couplers you could find in the train-set and M-tron. :yum:

Forgot to post my new case on this thread

Lovely kit, just like the original. The feet are a great addition to keep the keyboard from sliding on cloth deskmats. My newer gray kit has a bit of overall curvature to it, slightly bending upward at the left and right. With the feet it’s not an issue. I’m not sure if that’s from the base plate or from the attached bricks being just every so slightly undersized.

I wonder if you could include some 2x8 flat tiles to stick the rubber feet to, so that they are removable. It would make the feet a bit taller, bit then they could snap on and off as needed.

I used the sound pads in my newest case. I’m not sure that they are necessary. Both of these cases are some of the best sounding boards out there.

Great work, @BoyU
Let us know when you offer additional products! Such a fun kit with really nice performance.


Hey, im waiting for my Adam to arrive but i would like to know if you could recommend me some different coloured keycap model i´ve been searching and i can´t find any anywhere @pixelpusher

I’m not sure I understand. Are you looking for keycaps that will work on this keyboard?

Yes exactly that sorry for the messy grammar :sweat_smile:

Any set that supports the 64 key layout should work. You will need

  • 1u versions of right shift, alt, and Fn.
  • A 2u left shift
  • Ideally a R2 delete

If the set doesn’t have a 2u shift you can use the 2u zero from the numpad, it has the right profile.


New numpad version


Now I desperately need to know how the Addams can be built directly onto the side of an Adam, and which bricks would be necessary. I suddenly realise that I need a 60% with a numpad stuck on the left side.

Connecting bricks are included. Please check the building instruction.

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