Keebtalk Sticker (NEW)

Totally right lol


Wow. Did you already try to foil keyboard cases with one of these foils? :grin:

Itā€™s sticker time - prototypes are ready!

Black onesā€¦

White onesā€¦

Pink onesā€¦

ā€¦ and of course the navy ones.


I havenā€™t tried wrapping a keyboard yet, but I bet it could be done depending on the shape. Iā€™m actually looking to get a case or two hydro-dipped, but naturally a lot of the places are closed at the moment.

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Hey, all - hereā€™s what Iā€™m thinking.

As a gesture of thanks to this community, Iā€™d like to send these prototypes out to anyone that wants one, free of charge, first come first serve.

If thereā€™s any interest / demand beyond that, Iā€™d like to set something up that will benefit this site - maybe a little shopify url with proceeds going to Keebtalkā€™s server costs. What do you think, @Manofinterests?

Edit: Iā€™m updating this list as stickers are claimed.

So hereā€™s what Iā€™ve got left:

  • Monogram:
  • Navy: 1 large, 1 small
  • Pink: 1 large

  • Square Monogram:
  • Navy: 1 small
  • Black: 1 large, 1 small
  • White: 1 small
  • Pink: 1 large

Edit; Sizes!

  • Monogram Large: just over 2.5" wide
  • Monogram Small: 1.5" wide
  • Sq Monogram Large: just under 3.25" wide
  • Sq Monogram Small: 1.75" wide
  • Bumper: just over 5" wide
  • Rectangle Bumper: just under 6.5" wide

If youā€™d like a sticker, just PM me with your preference and an address or PO box where I can send it. :slight_smile:
:email: :dash:



Iā€™ll talk with the board members of Keebtalk, but I donā€™t see why not :slight_smile:

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Iā€™ve got a yellow Nanuk 923, thatā€™s got some space for test stickers.


Iā€™d love to have one! My laptop is dying for more stickers.

I assume ā€œNanuk 923ā€ is not the cat. :wink: (SCNR)


Who is this adorable Guardian of Nanuk?

@CosmicKira Iā€™ve got a couple with your name on them; including one with red keys. :grin: Just shoot me a PM with an address I can send them to.

Same for you @keebninja - just let me know where to send them.

Are you still giving out stickers? I know I just joined but I love stickers like these (+_+)b

Sure am! This first run will be up for grabs until theyā€™re gone, and Iā€™ll be sending them out on Fridays. Iā€™ve been keeping this list above up to date, so just pick one or two from whatā€™s left and let me know where I can send them in a PM. :+1:

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I would like the Rectangle bumper please!

Iā€™d like to pay for/donate to get one please.


Sticker give-away envelopes all ready to go.

Running a little behind as Iā€™d intended to send them today; first thing tomorrow morning these will be on their way from Tennessee to seven other US states, Scotland, and Sweden!

Stickers and keebs - two of my favorite things, bringing people a little closer together. :yum: Seriously, though - a big thanks to the Keebtalk founders for creating this great place to enjoy the hobby - and just as big a thanks to anyone reading because all of you folks make this great place what it is.

If you missed out on this first shipment and still want a sticker, Iā€™ll be sending out any claimed through the week each Friday until they run out. Just scroll up a bit to see whatā€™s still available.


Nice! Looking forward to adding it to the collection!

Fantastic! Thanks again.

I would love this as a mug or t-shirt. Have those ever been done?

I donā€™t believe they have yet - but I am able to do tshirts as well, and I know there are various print-on-demand services that do mugs. Iā€™ll see what the founders think but Iā€™m sure we could make that happen one way or another.