Keyboard Chores: Share your projects!

This is my next project as well. Hoping to order and do it this weekend. I have a stacked acrylic board that I can use the bottom to layers as my mound. :stuck_out_tongue: Pretty exciting stuff.

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So I was able to build a customer’s Noxary 280s which was really fun, but my schedule is now SWAMPED for the week -_-

I still have to…

Build a Modern M0110 (customer)
Build a No 1/60 (customer)
Lube Inks with TX 65g springs (customer)
Build E8.5 with said Lubed Inks and TX springs (customer)
Lube Inks with Sprit Springs (personal) x 2
Build Yohane TKL with Sprit Springs
Build Ogre with Sprit Springs
Lube POM Holy Pandas
Rebuild Zephyr with POM Holy Pandas

Oh, did I mention I still need to do TWIK, and record tying sounds for each of those keyboards? :sweat_smile:

What a time to be alive, at least I have keyboards!


My first attempt at making cables today - and they both worked!

Too hard to get in on these limited runs so I thought I’d take a crack at it.

The one on the right is for an upcoming Olivia build - obviously :face_with_monocle:


I have some switches to lube & spring swap…


Maybe instead of a stream I could make it a speed lubing video


Forgot to take pics, but I just lubed around 50 Alpacas yesterday. Gonna finally replace the Kailh Pro Burgundies in my old Helix. It’s gonna be my daily driver after I do that, probably. Wanted spruce up my black Helix in anticipation for Dark Magic Girl.


Well done. Where did you get the materials?

Same here bud, I have a ridiculous amount of switches that need lubed &/or spring swapped, ultrasonic cleaned, desoldered & cleaned. etc. Been slacking on my KB chores lately…:disappointed: Winter layoffs are super close though so hopefully I can start knocking out some of what I want to do sooner than later!


Pexon PC provided the adapter for the realforce, I got the USB ends and heat shrink tubing from zap cables, the cables are from space cables and the aviator connectors are from Summit cables.


for a first attempt this is AMAZING! I remember trying to make a custom cable and I couldn’t get past the soldering part. My hats off to you dude

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Well yeah, I did kind of have a false start with the soldering bit. That’s where doc ock came in:

Edit: Also, and I can’t stress this enough, I can’t begin to tell you how surprised I was when they both actually worked :open_mouth::star_struck:


Ooooh nice

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I am trying to get these naevy switches modded in some way. I like the short throw of them, but they could be ever so slightly more tactile. I don’t like a stiff bump, but these feel almost linear to me in their stock housings.

I found a great mod for them. Put the naevy stems in a T1 housing. But wait. That’s causing a weird
click sometimes when I mash down and wiggle the key. Something that is edge-case but could happen when gaming I suppose. Found an alternative in a zilent housing.

Here I am, jamming away. Taking switches apart, separating each part into a different clear cup as usual. Tops go here, stems go here, springs here, and bottoms here. About 30 switches into the process I happen to look closely into the bottom housing cup. Oh. My. God. Almost all of the contact plates have fallen out of my zilents. barf.

Scrap that plan. After 20 minutes of zilent repairs, these Naevy stems are now going into boba housings. I love my bobas, but the mod is nice enough that I’ll probably end up buying another set and mod with the ones I have.

So yeah… putting naevy stems into boba housings. That’s my current project.


Tonight I’m going to do a switch mod speed run which will include:

  • Opening 90 switches and separating components
  • Spring Swapping & Lubing new springs
  • Lubing stems
  • Reassembling all switches

And then maybe this weekend or early next week I’ll build up a customer’s E8.5 which will be extremely exciting!

Then I can finally look forward to my two personal builds that have arrived, the Yohane TKL and the Ogre :slight_smile:


No filming?

The speed run will probably be streamed with a live timer to see how fast I can lube lol. And the customer’s build will indeed be streamed, but no concrete date yet :slight_smile:


Hand washing GMK Monochrome, a set which I guess I’ve never taken a picture of… Its been kept on my previous work keyboard (TKC 1800) for well over a year and its definitely picked up some grime…

A bit of warm water and dish soap really does the trick.


yep. amazing what a good long soak in soapy water will take off.


Cleaning an old board only to find out that it uses Alps clones on the stabilized keys and MX for all the rest!

I guess this saves some cost, as Alps stabilizers are cheaper to implement that Cherry stabilizers.


Tuning and assembling 105 Halo U4 switches for a friend’s build.

  • Clear U4 stems*
  • 62g gold-plated springs (KBDfans, iirc)
  • Deskeys gaskets
  • Giving Krytox 106 a try this time

I’ll be slowly picking at these through the day while enjoying some keeb videos.

*The clear version of these stems are slightly different from the solid white ones that come in Bobas - I’ve found them to be just a bit less tight and tactile, which my friend prefers.


Strange!? Never seen a board that uses a totally different switch for the spacebar & enter it looks like. Those are Omron B3G-S Ambers in case you were wondering. What board is that anyways? You might have something rare on your hands TBH!