Just saw this in the New Years email from Zeal. Tealios are definitely my favorite switch out right now, so I’m excited to see what they’ve got cookin.
Partnership with a gaming keyboard manufacture?..
Oh maybe. They’ve got “revolutionary new switch” in there which was what intrigued me. I was at CES year before last, and maybe I missed it, but I don’t remember seeing a Gateron booth. Kailh had a pretty big one that year, it was right around when the box navy/jade first came out and mine hadn’t come in yet, so that was the first place I tried them.
What do you all think this ‘new switch’ is?
Do you think it would be a new tactile, a new linear, or both?
Optical? Electro-Capacitve?
new Zealpc Advanced Clickjacket when?
I bet that’s actually a pretty good guess.
Im ready to see Zeal’s take on a clicky switch.
Gosh, I wish. My guess is the “revolutionary” is just CES speak and we’re getting Amethyst Zealios.
That wouldn’t surprise me either lmao
IIRC he’s said in the past that if he’s going to make a clicky switch it’s going to be similar to the aristotle click jacket as zealistotles are his favorite clicky.
Can’t remember exactly how the email was worded, but after reading it I came away with the impression it’s gonna be a speed switch. So I’m not getting my hopes up too much, but I would happily be proved wrong here. Even if it is just colored regular Zealios.
A switch that changes between clicky, tactile, and linear as well as varies the spring weight according to your mood that day.
They’re called 'Mood’ios. And feature spotted cow patterned housings. Unless you like chocolate milk better, then the housings taste like Oreos, but smell like childhood.
Tell me that’s not a revolutionary switch.
this, but unironically
I mean…I did read that as Gateron at first glance.
Maybe he would put dampening material on the housing instead of the stems ?
Ah man. I really need to pull the trigger on some Zeal switches, but the $1.20 per switch pricetag has always turned me away. I’m gonna need some for MX Zilents in the near future, though.
Lintile?.. wouldn’t that just be a lubed mx brown?
Well, I might be able to help you out there? I have a bunch of unused Zealio housings sitting around from making Zandas. PM me?
Alps linear.