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NCase M1

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Love this cute animation!

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All these itx builds is giving me an itch to build a new pc. Why is the NZXT H1 sold out T_T

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Corsair will have to re-release the 380T, with more GPU room, before I go that small. :wink:


What is that figure from?

ITX builds are dangerous. You get a small build and think, I could go smaller. You do this until you get down to a truly small build. Then the sickness takes you further. I have a ghost and now I’m eyeballing a NUC for no other reason than it’s smaller.


I’m all about massive air cooling and cat / tip proofing, which doesn’t really go hand in hand with SFF builds.

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Ahhh understand compensating for pet habits. I thought tempered glass was cool until my greyhound smudges it all up with his nose every time he wants my attention. Now I never want another windowed case ever. Give me solid or perforated side panels only.

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I had an ITX build and I didn’t like it, it was awesome that it was small for like a few months and then I was annoyed I had to duct tape my extra hard drives to the bottom, and the mobo wifi stopped working and I didn’t have a pcie slot for a wifi card, and it always ran warm but I couldn’t get a graphics card with better cooling because it wouldn’t fit, and I had it on the desk and was always worried about bumping it… I ended up getting a full size ATX that I can just hide under my desk and not worry about, it can hold six hard drives and a 2.5 slot GPU no problem.

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The keyboard is looking good :stuck_out_tongue: What keeb is that?

That’s always been a big deterrent for me, but If LAN parties, were still a thing, I’d build a mini rig in a heart beat.

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tbh lan parties were kinda before my time, but I always assumed you would want the biggest tower possible even if it wasnt that good for a lan party to flex on everyone.

Sounds like a bad small case problem. But yeah, really depends on your requirements. I have a 450W with a 1060 which is fine but I’ll have to be very selective about my upgrade path!

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Yuru Camp

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I went to a lan party once with my water cooled rig and nvidia surround setup. took a whole table to myself and garnered a lot of attention, but damn was it a pain in the ass to move.


Before COVID I did several LAN parties a year with my college buddies. It’s tradition.

Most SFF PCs are actually air cooled. It’s a total myth that you need a cavernous tower to keep your components cool.

Air movement is more important than air volume.

Mine is water cooled however. But that was because I wanted total perceived silence. I’m also a bit of a minimalism freak.

But to each their own.


What part of the world, were you doing lan parties in and what games were you playing over lan?

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Mid East Coast of America (Virginia, Maryland, PA). As I said, this was pre-COVID. My group of college friends have been doing it to stay in touch for at least 10 years.

Every LAN is a mix of games, usually on the cheaper side. Occasionally we will pick up 1 AAA title and a few free to play games. Some past hits have been Left 4 Dead 1&2, Golf with Friends, various racing games, Killing Floor, Hidden, Pummel Party and Mordhau.

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After decades on laptops, this is what I bought myself last christmas. Just in time for lockdown and the delay of cyberpunk.