Post Your Keyboards!

Picked up a Kono84. It was cheap and I figured it would be nice to have a customish mech in the media room. The Bluetooth radio is STRONG. I can actually use it a few rooms away. It’s all plastic though, and it looks and sounds the part. I stuck some lubed black inks in there. Got it when it was $55 though, and I have no complaints at that price.


NIZ Atom68 ALU v2 with blue deskey domes (56gr)


WOW. the colors on that, and the deskeys sticker? awesome build man, I bet that thing feels great too.


My vintage alps build x2 from 4th of July long weekend


Candybar ortho with some CP and N9 GMK caps from different sources (Honeywell, N9 ortho kit, Mondrian, more blanks).


He long! Damn! Love the macros/numbers in the center idea.

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just built the kbdfans d45 50% gasket mount, with gateron milky yellows and epbt simple-ja… not used to < 60% layout but it’s a fun looking board to play around or try keycaps with


Looks like it’s a great keyboard, especially for the price

Last night the KBD67 Lite that I ordered for my wife came in so I got it all assembled and gave it to her. I was pleasantly surprised that she was both surprised (because I wasn’t keeping it secret) and happy with the typing experience.

Build Details

  1. KBDFans KBD67 Lite in Teal.
  2. Bluetooth enabled PCB.
  3. Tealios switches.
  4. Some random stabilizers.
  5. Pitta Studio DSA Bluebird keycaps.
  6. 1900MAH battery pack.

And yes, she’s a huge fan of birds.


Very nice! I’m building my bluetooth one today as well.

Are the random stabs ones that came with the kit? All the R2’s should come with KBDFans’ new polycarb stabs, which so far seem quite good - but I don’t have my switches in yet so I haven’t really tested them. Tolerances for the wire seemed great when I was putting them together, though.

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Yes they are. Their design was just different than what I was familiar with. It was round-ish on one end, versus the corner protrusion on the base and corresponding groove on the stem. But other than being different, they seemed absolutely fine.

The whole thing goes together really nicely. I was very impressed given the price point.


DSA Bluebird is a beautiful set to be sure.


polycarb polycarb polycarb


It is a surprisingly decent set, good and thick, and the multi-color dye-sub is done really well. My singular complaint was they didn’t have a plain Home or End key. Hence the additional bird under the Page Down.


New build today.

Alpha28 3D printed, 3 layers case foam, plate foam, KTT Whites stock, GMK caps. Sound test: Vocaroo | Online voice recorder


Two of my favorite keebs:

  • KBD67L R2
  • Injection-molded polycarb plate
  • Transparent grey case
  • Bluetooth-enabled hotswap PCB
  • Everglide Water King V3s
  • MT3 Susuwatari

  • KBD67L R1
  • CNC’d polycarb plate
  • Grey KBD67 V3 alu case w/ brass weight
  • KBD67 MKII V2 hotswap RGB PCB
  • Tecsee Diamond linears
  • GMK Nines

(my wife’s) keyboard
I just finished this build for my wife

  • FRL (F-row-less) TKL PCB by me (yes, that’s an oled in the nav cluster)
  • Oreo switches (alpha keys), other keys use linear switches
  • keycap XDA ZeroFighter
  • acrylic sandwich case

reason for the switches mix is because there is not enough Oreo switches (these are left-over),
my wife said these switches “sound nice” (she’s not a keeb enthusiast, so that’s “good enough” I guess :joy: )


Bought a Navy WKL Hex.3c for a pretty decent deal. Came with a couple plates, too! Really happy with it so far. I’ve been wanting a WKL 60% in Navy. ePBT 9009 looks great on it. Built with Boba U4Ts on a brass plate.


Savage 65 in Burgundy. Built with Lilacs JWK, and EPBT Miami Nights.

This board is quite nice to type on! Kinda bouncy~~!


My little cousin is visiting, so I prepped the stabs and let her build the KARA. She did good :call_me_hand:t3:

Edit: Couple more, slightly less scuffed, shots