RAMA Kate Keycaps

That’s some confidence that they’ll actually be good lol

judging on the shape and internal curvature, i think it will sound pretty high pitch.

Received a response from RAMA on the homing keys. The F, J & numpad 5 are scooped, they also updated their product page to reflect this.





What difference does it make when they miss all their deadlines anyway?


There’s still a big difference between six months and two years imo

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Appreciate you looking into it. Scooped is better, but still doesn’t work for me personally. Thanks!

folks are asking great questions re: compatibility on Instagram and getting told they’re being too entitled for demanding so much from the company.

:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:


Looks like they finally caved and are saying 4-6 months. Im not sure I completely believe it, but that’s not too bad



Not even KBDFans across the ocean charges that… got me really waffling on hitting that “continue” button…


Isn’t rama in Australia? Same ocean to cross, fewer ships than China.


Ah, that explains a lot. Typical 'murican of me, thinking all the English speaking folks are next door. :upside_down_face:


$#@%# $49.50 for 2 sets :frowning: this is holding me back 2 sets or 1? (heavy industry both ways)


I couldn’t resist the Heavy Industry dark.

I’ve also wanted a RAMA artisan for years so I snagged the “×” key, too - maybe I’ll just pretend the shipping is part of the artisan cost. Of all the sets I’ve ordered that’s probably the most I’m ever likely to pay per-key (we’re not going to talk about that one time on r/mm), and represents a pretty rare foray into the realm of “high-end designer” keeb stuff for me. I uh… guess I’ll consider that particular box on the bucket-list checked.

:x: :: B-stock TGR shavings

:x: :: Keycult keychain raffle rejection letter

:white_check_mark: :: Any RAMA thing


Did you end up getting the heavy industry dark?

I did - and whenever it gets here I’ll be doing a qualitative comparison between it and some other sets I have on-hand like GMK and MT3.


Rip me if its not good :confused: hopefully it gets here as they promised 4-6 months, i personally love GMK sounds, others are too deep/low pitched for me. The marble hitting sound of GMK is just nice.


Well - it is RAMA, so even if they don’t meet expectations I think they are likely to hold a high resale value.

This is my first purchase from them, but from what I hear they have a generally good track-record with the possible exception of the Kara itself. Not that I’ve heard bad things, per-se; just that the QC of the Kara doesn’t live up to its price. If what they say in the marketing for KATE profile is true, they’ve taken their time to get it right - let’s hope that’s the case!

Sound-wise, I’d imagine these will be on the higher-pitched side, both because of the smaller area on the underside, and because of the polycarb material used for the stems & legends.

I feel frustrated by Ramaworks and the keycaps. (This is NOT a personal thing or any Rama drama strictly me a purchaser of this specific product).

Another round of CAPs is being done now at $99 instead of the initial run at $160. The new set does not include the keycap tray thus the price difference. I did not expect the first GB run to end On September 30th and have a new round start before production even begins on the first round (it has been less then 60 days since the 1st GB window closed). I understand the concept of rolling releases and trying to keep things more in stock, but this is a brand new product.

IMO it would make more sense to get a full production run in the hands of people to see how they actually are before doing any more runs. And I am a bit hurt by the price drop (can sell the case on MM but that is not the point)

At some unknown time between 1 and 999 days from now I will hopefully get my order and get to try them for myself, venting done…


Honestly, I’m shocked by how much the CAPS have dropped in price for round two. I was on the fence for round one only because of the price and this drop brings it into a much more tempting range, even with the $31 shipping charge. I certainly don’t need a $60 case to store keycaps when they’re just packed in a storage tote anyway. If I had bought in round one, I’d be annoyed too.

I agree with your point that it seems a bit shifty to start a round two before anyone has had a chance to review the R1 sets, especially considering it’s a supposedly new mix of ABS and PBT.