Rama m65-b

They really are interesting switches though. I can’t explain why, but I like them. They feel pretty bad in a switch tester, but they’re fun to type on in a full board. But yeah, not what I would call a premium choice.

I grabbed the Kuro and picked up the internal dampener as well. I have been saving some holy pandas for this build. Can’t friggin wait. This is only my second mech keyboard purchase and prolly end game for me. Pairing this with some GMK Olive to match my Pangaea Ghost sffpc build. Should look pretty sick. What’s usually the ETA once they buy ends on Dec 5th? Also, I need stabs. I couldn’t find them on RAMA without getting that switch package. Any ideas?

I’m gonna faint if they do an iced 1800/compact 1800


Yeah, they’re not bad switches. They’re the nicest Browns you’ll ever use! But having them be the officially sanctioned choice is odd nonetheless.

Do you know what material is iced? And what is the final weight ? There is no information on rama’s website. It seems that the black duck version. Not that much info.

I assume it’s polycarbonate, because they’ve been working with a polycarbonate factory as of late.

They said it was polycarbonate on their instagram.

lo so I haven’t even purchased one yet because I seriously don’t know if I want the Moon or Milk one

I was always planning on getting Moon, but man, Milk looks so good

I really cant decide wether i want this or not.

I have it on good authority (all I did was ask them on their Facebook messenger lol) that they are indeed working on an 1800 layout keyboard


*starts squirreling away money*

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Tried to figure it out by looking at the two product pages, but failed so far, so maybe someone in here can enlighten me: What’s the design difference between the Koyu and the M65 (-A or -B)? For me, the Koyu and the M65-B look nearly identical.

I’ve read about the M65-A vs M65-B differences and the main difference seems to be the PCB. But that’s not the question. :slight_smile:

The Koyu is unibody; there is no switch plate. It’s one large block of alu. The M65-B is incorporating their mute isolation plate design. Check out the U80-A for more examples of the mute design.

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Nice to see Rama moving away from integrated plates


The M65-B has a blocker on the right side while the M65-A didn’t, which seems to matter to a lot of people.

I rather like the blocker…it breaks up the solid rectangle that the M65-A has.

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Same. It’s aesthetically pleasing as well (imo)

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I assume you’re talking about Rama himself? This type of design mistake seems like a typical Industrial Designer mistake.

He seems to have a very specific design direction when it comes to layouts. I don’t like some of the layout choices but that’s just his thing. Other customs designers are more open to different layout compatibilities.

Well, the case itself was RAMA (to a spec iirc) but the PCB wasn’t. I think they’re mostly talking about the PCB designer leaving out ESD production.