RAMA WORKS U80-A SEQ2 now available for pre-order!

i don’t think they release their plate files. i’ll probably end up drawing it myself as it’s a pretty simple design.

I just assembled my plate, mute and pcb and in VIA key tester right windows key, print screen, scroll lock and pause break keys aren’t responding.
After making sure the switches were installed properly, I took out the extra pcb I ordered and tested those keys with tweezers and got the same result.
They are both hotswap pcbs and I’m running VIA on a Mac.

Anyone else have this problem? Is this normal for this pcb?

So if I turn on the test matrix setting it registers all the key presses. I’ve never used that setting for any pcbs before so I’m not sure what it’s for…

So the matrix settings will just let you know if the switch is making an electrical connection, which is good news for you cause that means your PCBs aren’t borked. As to why those keys aren’t working with their assignments (what the regular keytester will show you) I couldn’t say, but would have to guess it has something to do with the fact you’re on a mac.

Ah yep. I’m able to remap all these keys and I see now that “right windows” is actually a modifier key by default. That’s why it wasn’t showing up in key tester.

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If you use via, click on the key tester tab, select “test matrix” and then you can see function keys register. Bonus points if you turn on the sounds option and jam out to your key testing.

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