Things that make us go... hmmm

Just saw this on the r/mk subreddit…


People could work with manufacturers on eliminating leaf ping on tactile, create new mechanism, re-invent clicky switches, improve on linears switches, and they can also make this…

I feel like it’s just a cash grab based on memes, do you think it’s a cash grab? I’m willing to bet the left switch is a Brown like tactile and the right is linear, both are JWK recolors.


Can’t tell if cynical cash-grab, definitely meme. A shitpost, if you will.


Would not be surprised if this became a thing, and would also not be surprised if both are JWK recolours.

Memeing is easier than innovation and making improvements.

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Keyboards are expensive and keycaps are taking years to produce… that’s a big reason why we’re seeing such an explosion in switch recolors. They’re fairly cheap and the turnaround is fast. What else are we supposed to buy? More deskmats? :rofl:


I was gonna soundproof my studio with egg crate foam but a couple walls covered with deskmats would be way more on-theme.

I’m only partially joking… and I also wouldn’t be surprised if someone’s already done that.

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Would go very nicely with the other meme set: GMK Pooped in the Pool (actually exists lol)

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I just realised that if you Frankensteined the stem of the poop switch into the piss switch housing, you’d end up with the TTC Gold V2 Brown…kinda.


No clue why they decided to call these Holy Pandas since Gateron has never made pandas nor do they look like pandas. Although granted Tecsee has two pandas (the Dusk pandas) that dont look like HP

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Well, I mean, I’ve yet to see a black and white switch called a “Panda” so I don’t think any of them look much like Pandas. :rofl:

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I’m being a bit not nice but this disappoints me to see.

I don’t get the point of this switch, nothing is new with this, reading a bit it’s supposed to be smoother with a “refined” tactility (whatever that means).

This just highlights my previous comment, no innovation, just another switch riding on a trend, this time the Holy Panda naming, and it’s not like the Holy Panda is something special, every manufacturer has their own Halo stem shape molds, and made their own similar switch.

I don’t really see the big announcement over it, also Drop.


I mean 1up has the soft panda and its white and black lol

Reading through the comments, this is what I’ve discerned:

  • These are Gateron switches (based on the new “Gateron X” line)

  • They are called Holy Panda b/c Drop has made a lot of money on that name. However, reading through the comments I see that their attempt to trademark the name “Holy Panda” never happened (failed to get TM)

  • They are in the spirit of a Holy Panda but a bit less harsh.

Probably should have called them Gateron X Panda

The deets from Quakemz:

After a year of prototypes, we’re excited to put out a worthy successor to the Holy Panda name. As a lot of you might know, I loved the Holy Panda, but feel like it’s a bit outdated compared to some of the other much newer options, these days. With that said, the HPX have been a joy to use in my rotation lately. It has a similar feel compared to the original, but much smoother and more refined. The large bump is situated right at the top and encompasses a good portion of the press, making it quite snappy. Personally, that’s the way I like my tactile switches. To top it all off, they’re manufactured by Gateron, and I’ve been in love with many of Gateron’s newer offerings lately, so I was stoked to give these a try. I can’t talk about all of the details yet, but I’ll try to answer any question I’m able to, since I’m one of the few folks that actually has these in hand right now and have been using them for a bit. Drop’s launch announcement is coming up this week.

Maybe these are a mix of Gateron CJ, Gateron X, Gateron Kangaroo

Looks like a recolor of the CJ housing setup with Ink top and Gateron X bottom. Gateron X supposed to have more polished parts and less wobble (Mine feel not all that different from other recent Gateron switches, nothing obviously better)
I’m guessing it’ll have a long spring like Kangaroo, but we don’t know that yet.


Reading a bit more, the post is funny.
Seems like Drop’s Holy Panda sales are taking a dive and they’re desperately trying to keep the Holy Panda name from dying, sending this user to take the hit for them getting roasted alive.


Honestly, the stink about the name is a waste of everyone’s time. There have been tons of “panda” switches created at this point, not to mention the revisions of holy pandas from Drop already.

How is this different than Gateron Tangerines vs JWK Tangerine V2?

Keycult slapped “Rev. n” on the No.1 when they changed the design and switched to making it in house. Again how is this any different?

The only reason people are being dramatic is because anything involving either Drop or Holy Pandas gets people’s knickers in a twist.

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Pandas are black and white, but if you think about it, Panda’s aren’t very black and white. :sunglasses:

Theres a YOK White Panda switch with black stem and white housing, I think thats a plausible match for the panda color scheme. I only found it because I was looking for Red Panda switches as they seem woefully underrepresented in the conversation about pandas.

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HPX Discussion continued here:


Reddit can be so hilarious sometimes.