Things that make us go... hmmm

Perfectly tuning my stabilizers only for them to start ticking after a few hours of use…


I’ve spent about 3 hours or more trying to tune the stabalizers in my minivan… one of them still does a little click if I lightly tap it. I desire the abyss.


My latest Alps build sounds great on all stabilizers except for the space bar, which is Costar and I cannot for the life of me quiet.

So frustrating.

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Why would anyone want to be an accountant? Smh

maybe they’re at the point of their lives where they have so many keyboards, they need help keeping track of it all :laughing:


Not sure if this is a serious question or not but accountant was my second choice/backup for what I wanted to study way back when I started college if I ended up deciding engineering wasn’t for me. I’m good at and like doing math, and it’s a math heavy profession where you get to spend a lot of time with spreadsheets. It’s also a job that generally pays pretty well and isn’t ever going to go anyway where as long as we still use money.

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I do genuinely wonder. It not only takes a person with math skills and enjoys that but is also willing to endure the monotony of all that detail, wading through the mess that is the constantly changing IRS code, but most of all, the immense stress and insane hours that they have to deal with at tax time. Certainly takes a… certain kind of person.

The engineering skill set is similar but at least they get to enjoy the catharsis of tangible problem solving without being under the gun. Like the difference between playing with Lego and, I donno, having to categorize every toy, know it’s exact cost and purchase date, and itemize it’s purpose, amortize it’s value, calculate depreciation, reconcile the balance sheet, blah, blah, blah, BLAH, BLAH!!! :triumph:

Accounting is stupid.

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You’d be surprised, engineering involves a lot of that stuff too, while it’s true that there is a lot of creative problem solving and hands on stuff that is the part that tends to get glorified, despite working with some pretty cutting edge technologies I still end up spending a non-insignificant amount of time working in spreadsheets, costing, regulations (FCC, ISED, UL, PTCRB, CE, etc), planning, data analysis, etc, and a typical hardware development cycle (at least for what I do) tends to definitely have peaks where a lot of work needs to happen in a short amount of time.


Anything that involves humans has that part. The more humans involved, the worse it is.

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Lol. Humans are the worst

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I saw this whilst browsing eBay today…

It also turns out that they still sell a similar keyboard: Natural_A Keyboard(KBS-29) |.
I’m not in the ergo space, so maybe I’m not seeing what some of you are seeing here.


I low key think that looks awesome


I never understood why keyboard plates are not design to allow PCB-mounted stabilizers to be removed without desoldering the full board.


All this needs is some Jazz Solo Cup colors and you’ve got the perfect keyboard to type up reviews of vintage Richard Simmons workout tapes.


Probably possible for a fixed layout plate. Would get complicated fast with multiple cutouts needed.


My take on that is: if PCB-mounted stabs work fine without plates, they don’t need to be braced by the plate. Switches used with stabs may need some support but making multiple extrusions for that shouldn’t be that complicated.



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I can’t decide what’s worse… GMK’s old plastic trays, or their new paper ones.


Ha, I was fighting with one of those little clip things just yesterday.

Signature Plastics’ sandwich bags for $100+ SA sets still win the crap package award for me, though. It’s been a while since I’ve bought from them - did they ever change that? :stuck_out_tongue: I remember one of their (actually great) customer service people telling me they were working on it like four years ago…

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SA Godspeed is just now fulfilling 6 months later for people who wanted their keycaps delivered in boxes rather than bags (Drop gave buyers the option way back in fall 2020). I figured that meant that SP was done with trying to package in boxes forever but the GB page for SA Tatooine shows a pretty nice box render so maybe they’re going to try again moving forward.

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