Things that make us go... hmmm

Does anyone else notice a trend with switches having thicker stems lately?

Putting my eBPT 9009 (KBD67 Lite version) on the Gateron Cap v2 or Jwick linears (black full nylon) is significantly harder compared to my (probably r1) EV-01, it’s not hard to the point I’m feeling it will break but I do worry it will strech them over time.

Am I worrying too much or is that reasonable?

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Ironically the Chinese copy came out before Keebwork finished theirs. The clone workmanship is far less intricate.


Dang. The phrase MADE IN CHINA is taking on a whole new meaning these days.

Ha! I thought is was keycaps stems were getting way tighter.

Whichever way, my last multi-layout hotswap build where you have to turn switches around in order to get the layout you want, totally deformed a few switch stems resulting in some super loose keycaps if I swapped that particular switch from north to south-facing. It got so bad I had to keep track of what switches were facing in what direction.

I’m curious - why would north- or south-facing do anything to the stems? I just inspected my Ginkgo65 and they’re all south-facing, but my keyboards at home are all north-facing…is the problem only when its mixed on the same plate? :face_with_monocle:

The Ajazz board could be unrelated to Keebwerks, it was released it on June 1st which is Children’s Day in China and with Tom and Jerry being popular in China it could be just a coincidence that they are both cheese inspired. Or in the end, it could be a copy :person_shrugging:

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That’s fair. And the Chinese version is 65%

argh, I can’t believe I missed this, they go on sale all the time but that is the best deal in a while

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It could be. I was using the BIOI flexcut PCB which pretty much positions the switches anyway they’ll fit. But the DZ60RGB flips the Esc and 1! switches to north-facing which I sometimes notice have a tighter keycap fit than the rest. YMMV.

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I have a pack of Tecsee Purple Pandas and their stems were pretty loose, but I’ve only had issues with one set so it wasn’t a problem/

I’ve had some keycaps on my Purple Pandas and used them later it on a pack Tecsee Carrots I’ve bought later that year, it’s stems were significantly thicker.

After a while of using those keycaps I’ve retuned them to the Tecsee Purple Pandas and to my suprise, several keycaps were quite loose.

Edit: I also want to order a pack of JWICK black nylon linears, but a sample has a very thick stem and it worries me…


Chinese manufacturers are brutal, the industry is so massive there they can copy a product in a heartbeat and release it before you know it.

A lot of Western companies are keeping their work top secret and wouldn’t let Chinese people go miles near it, no kidding, it’s that bad.


I swear Google is stalking me. Anyways, I jump on YT and their first recommendation is for this documentary about a Chinese village that has a decades old industry built for the sole purpose of forging Van Gogh paintings. I guess it’s just how things are done, although regrettably.


It’s curious, even if it’ll mostly be obscured by keycaps :smile:






When it comes to finalmouse words have no meaning unfortunately

“My preferred keyboard sound is also ‘squelch.’”

r/mk source




“Don’t spray-lube - unless it’s toast.”

- Fabio, probably



Zfrontier has some excess U80-A boards? hmmm


Those sure look like KATE / CAPS, too.