Things that make us go... hmmm

Yeah. I’ve been interested in trying Razer Oranges or Yellows for the memes. I believe the only way to get them is to desolder them off a Razer board?

The old ones, yes. However their newer switches are all for sale either through Razer or on Aliexpress.

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Now, Gateron’s naming conventions have always been about as consistent as rocky road ice cream so this is nothing new - but they’ve got another curiously named switch on the pile.

As far as I can tell, this is a short-travel version of a G-Pro 2.0 Gateron linear.

The Baby Kangaroo, ostensibly where the naming convention for the Baby Racoon comes from, is also a short-travel G-Pro 2.0 switch… which itself is derivative of a short-travel Ink switch. What’s in a name? Probably nothing other than a cute thought - but since it appears to be another Pro 2.0, it’s likely a very solid pre-lubed linear.


I’m poking around on Redbubble for sticker designs… I think I’ve found some great ones - very few remaining naked jars, ha. My hmm for today is less bemused skepticism and more mild dilemma:

For my new Namazu switches, named after a mythical giant black catfish, which would be more fun?

Cool ukiyo-e print styled illustration with comparatively lame pseudo-Japanese typeface

~ or ~

This character from a Final Fantasy game I never played?


I like the ukiyo-e print. Have to admit though, it took me a bit longer than it should have to realize that the text isn’t actually japanese

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The former, definitely.

I think the second one is better.

I have a theory about why silent T1s are called “Shrimps”;

Maybe it’s the black dampener visible from the outside, reminding someone of a shrimp’s “vein”




Visible poop chute! Good theory

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SP production queues seriously behind according to Vala supply. DCS behind by 2 months and SA production queue is a whopping 6 months behind.

Glad I’m not waiting on any in either queue.


I’ve wondered if it was something lost in translation where the dampened switch sounds are lesser/diminished/smaller than regular tactile switches. small ~ shrimp :person_shrugging:

But the shrimp intestine theory is more fun.


Offtopic but does anyone know what this deskmat is? Typing the text into a search engine doesn’t result in anything even close.

I’m guessing it’s a design TKC uses for their photos - I haven’t seen it for sale. If it was it would be from them though.

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It would be great without the text! Nice colours :star_struck:

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This lube jar, a huge chunk of glass with the lube on top of it.


I’m an optimist… it’s 1/2 full…

Oh wait, it’s brand new.


At first I was surprised, why is the the jar empty and so clean? but the content actually sits above the glass, kind of like it.

Can’t actually know if the 205g0 and the XHT-DBZ are really 3ml and 1.5ml but even that little amount of XHT-DBZ will last a lot of keyboards with how little you need to use.


Yes, I’ve lubed 4 or 5 sets of stabilizers with XDBZ and I can’t even tell I’ve used it. I still prefer dielectric though. Not sure why, but I have better results :man_shrugging:

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here’s a thing that made me go hmm…

All of my landscaping is apparently dead. I guess that really cold snap we had a bit back killed everything. Holy smokes. Entire town is going to need new landscaping. Odd. Nandinas… dead. Hawthorns… dead. Some holly bushes… dead.


Same. My modest northern California town has been underwater for days now. More to come too.