Things that make us go... hmmm

That cold snap was something else.

I’ve been getting accustomed to the no-running-water life; my pipes froze and burst on Christmas Eve when it got below -6 F ambient. Happened to lots of folks around here who have un-insulated pipes and/or crawlspaces - a week later and all the plumbers are still too booked to even estimate when they could come take a look. :upside_down_face:

you still dont have water???!

Ha, I’m thinking of it like a camping trip with a big wooden tent.

I could get a corporate plumber from the nearest big town, but the distance and nature of the call make for a huge fee just to take a look. The local guys are good but are still totally overwhelmed - they’ll catch up eventually. In the meantime I’m getting by water-wise with help from some local fam.


Man, that’s rough. I bet you’re looking forward to a nice hot shower.

And here in Europe we have it much warmer than we should have this time of the year… Hmm

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I’m trying to figure out what I’m supposed to do. My landscaping has been in place for almost 15 years. It’s never had issues. I will have to redo the landscaping in the spring I guess. But it’s going to be at least $10k

And what do I plant? It has to survive 110+ degrees F in the summer and well below 0F in the winters?


Oh, and I’m sure it will be a breeze finding someone to do the work and get the plants, right? Since like the entire town will also be in need.


We’re probably in the early phase of a new ice age for sure and likely living during a very pivotal moment in history.


Cat is sick and not doing well. Visit to the vet was $1380.



Oof, sorry my friend. I’m unfortunately in the same boat. We had to hospitalize ours over New Year’s and it was just shy of $800. I hope yours is on their way to a speedy recovery though!

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What in the hell is this?


Unsure! But given Drop’s ongoing “warehouse outage” issues, it will ship circa 2026.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Okay so what if we had a Nintendo Switch - but it wasn’t a Switch - it was a KEYBOARD

  • Huh, sounds neat - can it play Switch games?


Heh. Someone should post this to both the r/switchmodders (keyboards) and r/SwitchHacks (console) subreddits.


‘We heard you like switches so made a keyboard based on the Switch where you can hotswap your switches in a keyboard based Switch!’

It does have a knob and a joystick and I’m now questioning if joysticks are going to be next new thing on keyboards…


Analog stick looks so good (not mine)


That does look cool. If the board was lightweight enough, that might be nice for playing SNES games on the PC

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Switches that smell like daisies….? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: (I have no sense of smell, so maybe it’s just me who finds this…hmmm…:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)


Ha, well that’s one way to set your HaiMu silents apart from the rest - just mix some fragrance in there!

Honestly though, I have to wonder if this will affect the plastic… and I’m curious how strong they smell, ha. Maybe SwitchOddities will get some samples of these.


Wouldn’t it be just plain weird m/confusing if your keyboard smelled like flowers? :cherry_blossom: from what I heard air fresheners never quite smell like the real thing…

Funny story, we once had a mouse die in the heating ducts and of course I didn’t notice a thing having the smell blasted about me all day…(not being able to smell can have its advantages :wink:), when my partner came back they just about it es around to leave the house. So, I thought I’ll fix it and sprayed air freshener “Suddenly Spring” into the central went and said “better now?” And they said “it smells like something died in the spring…” :crazy_face:


So, I don’t know if anyone has smelled a Daisy, but the ones that grow wild here in Oregon and those we can get in the plant shop (usually Gerber) don’t have any other smell apart from “plant”. So I’m super curious what “Daisy” smells like to whoever created these.

I assume it will be somewhere in the neighborhood of “Fresh Air” as defined by Glade.