What did you get in the mail today? (Part 1)

Ordered on the 27th, arrived today, so yeah, pretty great actually :grinning:

Nice! I will definitely use them then.

Decided to nab MT3 Serika. The legends and colors are definitely a lot better than MT3 Godspeed…


how do you adapt this to USB?

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Great layout and PCB !
Will you solder that yourself ?


It’s a very tough one, I’ve looked into it, but haven’t attempted it yet. Snacksthecat on Desthority is who was giving me the rundown so you might want to hit him up.

That layout is actually very sensible! Can’t wait to see the finished board!

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Oh yeah, diodes and everything

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Best way to fill a weekend afternoon :stuck_out_tongue:

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Are you Sirius!? :upside_down_face: Got that & a Lavender Dreams Bong cap in from TechStonedAmish.


KAT Milkshake finally arrived… Feels like I’ve waited forever for this set. I think it came out pretty well. No warping on any of keys that I’ve noticed, and the dye sub legends look crisp. The smoothness of the keycaps will take some getting used to though.


dang that looks great. I passed on that one because I already had the DSA version but I think the better thing to do would have been get that one and sell the DSA because I think I would like KAT more.

It goes beautifully with @norbauer VHS finish.

KAT Milkshake! The only Mx boards I have right now are build with V1 C3 stabs and some of the longer keys are a bit sluggish.

The finish on these caps is smooth and nice though


Yup, Zambumon did a great job with Serika compared to the terrible one Mito did with Godspeed

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Holy shit I have the best wife ever. Look what she got me for our anniversary! :star_struck:


Careful with those Cheetos near the keyboards!! :slight_smile:

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Got in MT3 Serika, which looks amazing in person. Also got an AN-C pcb and some milky Gat browns for my soon-to-be-arriving Sirius. May or may not use the browns, but they were cheap and I’ve been wanting to try some lighter tactiles.


I got my KAT Milkshake set. First KAT set. I’m impressed with the dye sub job and thickness of the caps. The profile is subtle and I enjoy it so far. I also like the smooth texture. The only thing I would improve is the skirt height on the caps. They sit up a bit higher like DSA and DSS profile. I wish the skirt extended (or stem recessed) slighly more like MT3 and Cherry profile. Overall, a very nice profile. Love the icons and font design from @biip