What did you get in the mail today? (Part 1)

Got some Thic Thock progressive springs to try out, and I finally got my replacement GMK WoB/BoW Icon Extension Kit replacements.


This came in today. To bad the HMKB got delayed :upside_down_face:


Hopefully it will be delivered in Q4…

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What is it?

EO-87 I think.

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Nice. I ordered a 75% as well (decided not to play it safe and went for the yellow version). This has me wondering if I should have a plate cut.


Was curious if hat the pre-built ErgoDox-ez is like so decided to order one. Packaging and build quality is really nice, but the casing does feel a little bit ‘plastic-y’. No flex or anything of course and I’m sure it will hold up very well.


Just some Topre things…


I have had mine for several years, and it does seem to hold up really well. Just one thing though, the plastic hollow case amplifies sound exactly like you wold expect. Just picture one of those guys with the upside down plastic bucket to make those percussive sounds.

If that is an issue for you, I would highly recommend lubing your switches (tedious, I know) or going with a silent variant of whatever switch you prefer.

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Good points. Definitely not a solid sound, but for a case of this type it still sounds pretty good imho. I’m using Kailh Box Whites and the clickyness(?) comes through nicely.

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clicky switches will make any hollow or subtier case sound good, imo

IINKO Switch Stickers:

  • Black Ink
  • Tangerine
  • Kiwi

WHAT?!? Lucky dog. Nice!

Edit: Ha! That must be a 67g Zealio.


I got a Keyboardbelle case today! I’ve wanted this one forever, but she stopped printing them at the begining of this year it seems. Some b stock / overstock inventory turned up on Etsy and I snagged it.

I’m using it with an Instant60 and brass plate for my switch tester.


I’m thinking about getting one of these to convert one of my Models M. Have you installed it yet? Thoughts?

They’re not for sale quite yet (I got to be an early tester), but I’m certainly planning to buy a few for my other Model M boards once they’re available for purchase.


Just got mine as well. Any advice on lube? I was just going to go with 105 for springs and 205G0 for the rest.

I used 205g0, Again, be careful when lubing the sides so that you don’t move the rubber dampeners. It’s an easy mistake to make.


On reddit in r/ergodox or r/ergodox-ez is a recent post in last month about silencing with sound dampening foam. I did this on mine and the sound difference is amazing. You have peel the sticker off the back to get to that last screw, but otherwise, not a hard mod an SO worth it.