What did you get in the mail today? (Part 1)

One more step into the rabbit hole…


Been a stressful week so far juggling moving out and studying for finals. Got the Sat75 in today and I can’t wait for it to be my first build at my new apartment! Seaweed Green too goooood


MT3 Bleached - first time with the profile, hoping it’ll be something enjoyable :slight_smile:


Let us know what you think! I’ve been curious about other profiles (MT3 in particular) but I’m hesitant to buy a set just to try them out.

I’m in the same boat as you - I’ve been wanting to try out MT3 for the longest time. I skipped the BOGO sale that happened (twice!) since I wanted the PBT keycaps.

I went for MT3 Bleached (blanks) for a few reasons:

  • they were the cheapest PBT kit available
  • it comes with both sculped and flat bottom rows
  • it doesn’t have legends - which I’ve heard were quite inconsistent for the PBT keycaps

My initial impressions is that they’re nice to type with. The deep dishes do “hug” your fingers pretty well, and I find it easy to touch type (well, especially the case with blanks). The homing keys are much more recessed than the regular keys - the difference is more pronounced than DSA keycaps and their equivalent homing keys.

In terms of sound, they do give a deeper and fuller sound as most high profile keycaps do. I don’t have any SA keycaps with me at the moment, but if my memory serves me right, SA felt that bit deeper in sound compared to MT3.

Here’s a Row 3 comparison with Cherry - significantly taller!


Thanks for your insight. Do you use a wrist rest?

I don’t use a wrist rest - pretty used to tall front heights of a keyboard. For reference, here’s a shot of the front height with sculpted bottom row (the board has a 8-degree angle)


Picked up a few sets of NovelKeys Screw in Stabs on Black Friday sale. Looks pretty although won’t know how they’re until a build.


I confirm your words. I bought 120 pieces of nana. After lubrication, there are only 42 workers. All the rest are jammed by the stem stroke. They have become tactile, so to speak.


Raspberry PI pico boards, 3 of them because they are darn cheap.
I want to play with Micro Python/Circuit Python like @deshipu is used to do.
Also the RP2040 mcu is a very interesting beast: less than 1€, dual core, PIO feature looks to be very promising, and we may hope to be supported by ChibiOs and QMK in the near future.


I have to lube my Melons to test (phrasing?), but I don’t think they are not exhibiting issues to this extreme (in fact, in normal use, I don’t notice any issues).


Thank you so much for this! It looks like Dorp has reduced the Extended 2048 Alphas and I have a $10 credit with them so that + the Modifiers may be my reasonably-priced entry.

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Got some 5mm OD silicone O-rings for burger mounting some of my boards & also grabbed some more tips for my desoldering iron along with them. I got the O-rings particularly for trying a burger mount on my Meridian, which I am using like that right now. Can’t say it does much in this case, but be it placebo or real it does feel ever so slightly softer & it did shift the sound a little lower. So I’m gonna keep it like this for now.


From Kono:

  • Speed Bronze clickies (got the right ones this time!)

From modDIY:

  • Some 4mm M2 screws (typical for keeb cases) that I don’t quite remember ordering. I know I got them for a specific reason, but it must not be burger mounting because I would have gone for 5 or 6mm… ah the joys of tracing back one’s own logic over poor memory. :upside_down_face:

From Dangkeebs:

  • Mallo tactiles
  • Mallo sticker
  • Bonus candycane
  • Someone there must know I love their stickers because I got a whole holiday trio! I especially like the Switch Witch.

Got my first GMK Set in… GMK Yuru but not sure yet if I want to keep it tbh. Gonna mull it over a bit.


I received my Tangerines and a bag of heavy springs today, both for my theme build I mentioned earlier.


Yuru is a beautiful set. If you choose to let it go, hit me up. I regret not jumping on board the GB.

I still haven’t unwrapped but I’ll hit you up if I decide to let it go.
I should probably open it up to look at the actual keycaps lol… For whatever reason I’m having some anxiety about opening it up.

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Finally caved & grabbed a set of DCS Sleeper, it came in today. Been wanting a OGish looking set with high compatibility forever. Was a little hesitant on grabbing this as I had heard quite a few people got sets with missing keys, thankfully mine was all good. The alpha colored tilde has a black bleed through on the left side of the cap so I’m gonna see if Dorp will replace that key. Other than that though I am very happy with the set! Putting DCS Toxic back on my 8X really got me wanting more DCS sets. For me there is definitely a place for thinner high quality caps like DCS. They can give a board a totally different sound compare to GMK.


With recent GMK sets having missing or duplicate keys, this isn’t a bad idea either.

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