What did you get in the mail today? (Part 1)


Oh neat. It’s a stabilizer wire tuning station, to aid in the process of straightening / balancing stab wires.


New deskmat day! been waiting for this one three months. :melting_face:



  • Top housing material: UHMWPE
  • Bottom housing material: Nylon
  • Stem material: UPE
  • Long-pole stem
  • Spring weight: 63.5 g
  • Pre-travel: 1.9 mm
  • Total travel: 3.8 mm
  • Two-stage gold-plated spring
  • Lightly pre-lubricated




Only own doubles of three sets. 9009, Carbon, and now Muted. Muted is one of few sets that complements almost any color keyboard.


WoB must be on that list, right? I’m considering getting another set just because of the versatility.




Some smooth af Mekanisk Ultramarines and PBTfans Deep Sea Predator. Like a glove! The alphas are pretty much a darker blueish shade of GMK Synthwave.


I thought the set was MoDo lol

Is there a color comparison of the colors?

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Good one. I just looked that one up and totally see the similarities. The PBTfans set is a bit more on the blue side, but that teal accent is spot on.

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Wow, this is a lot more matching than I expected. Fits like a tailor-made glove!

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That’s a lot of lovely blues, there.

Any thoughts on the Ultramarines? (How do they stack up for you compared with Cobalts?)


Oh man, those switches might as well be made on different planets. Lol. The Ultramarines are just like H1’s (v1) but with a better spring weight and downstroke smoothness. They’re for sure soft on the way down, with a dull clack at the top. The stem and housing tolerances are superb and even though both switches have Nylon tops, I think the non-opaque material is somehow inherently smoother for some reason. They sound and feel like a Cherry should and do after a few months of use.


Some HaiMu Whisper Silent Tactiles

They’ve got the shaped leg dampeners the other HM-made silents have, but in this case they’re paired with an extra-soft PA66 housing. This does give them a more pillow-y feel compared to the Skyloong versions.

I’ve given some praise to those little top dampeners before, as they successfully eliminate top-out clack in the hand… but in a plate with a cap on top, you’ll still get the occasional clack on the way up - if a slightly more quiet one than average. The bottom-out, though, is every bit as dampened as with silicone pads.

In terms of sound, they’re somewhere between a TTC Bluish White (without the top dampeners) and Gateron Silent Browns, complete with a bit of swish.

In terms of tactility, they’re much closer to the Bluish White, but do feel a bit softer on the way down, and also there’s a fine texture here that the BWs don’t have.

I’ve thoroughly satisfied my curiosity about the current state of these leg dampeners (in terms of the stock experience), having tried a handful of iterations. I think the bottom ones are more or less a total success. The top ones I give an A for effort, maybe an even C for results. It might be better than nothing - but it’s not better than soft stuff. Yet.

Further thoughts on tuning the HM silents to come.


Finally bussy showed up, was waiting for the mail the whole day since I knew it was coming


Got epbt 6085 at last.

I’m posting color comparison photos since I figure they’ll be extras and you peeps might be interested.

Middle: ePBT 6085
Bottom: ePBT red on beige (old set but essentially same as GMK L9 U9)

I was waiting for these to arrive because I was thinking about buying a b-stock Day Off 60 in black cherry. I thought it may be a perfect pairing, but I’m not sure. The alpha color here is actually the exact same as the accent in DMG. Might be harder to tell in the photo, but IRL it’s spot on.

It leans a bit more towards magenta, and not that Dr. Pepper can color I associate with black cherry.

My old keyboardbelle case has the color I was looking for (wow, i need to dust my keebs)

I think this set will be quite versatile, but I’ll have to see what it looks best with in the coming days.


I hope the mouse journey ends sometime finally

Also on the desk are a MX Master 3, M575, MS Ergonomic Bluetooth and a Deathadder V2 X Hyperspeed (and MX Master 1 in the office, G305 in the drawer)


Mini purchase on 11.11

KBDfans Kolkrabba Deskmats R2

MMD Cream V2


GJ WOB Keycap


They have a lot of similar things like Domikey.
That’s why I made a comparison with them.

Well, I also bought different thicknesses of foam.
Material: imported porous LE-20


While the shipping box was a little concerning,

The contents were just fine. I definitely got influenced by a couple of you that picked these up as well:

Actual shinies! Gotta say though, opening the tray made me feel more than a little dumb. Would a notch or something have killed them?! My idiocy aside,I’m going to put these on the HHKB once I can bring myself to take the CRP caps off of it, which, we’ll see when that is.


Finally got the XVX black/cyan keycap set and… not really bad for the price, apart a couple of halos on an ISO Enter and a spacebar.

Was even able to not use o-rings under them, don’t know if it’s due to the silicon pad I finally put between plate and PCB instead of the classic foam pad.

I even tried the plumber’s mod on stabilizers + automotive tape around the stab wires, which helped in reducing rattling, at least on the little ones.

For the spacebar I’ve done something wrong, as now it has very low excursion and it’s almost a touch bar :sweat_smile: