What did you learn today?

There is 3 plastics JWK’s mystery meat stems (P3s) could be made out of. I was cleaning the lube off of some Cobalt POM switches I harvested. I noticed the stems were floating on the mixture of Vertrel XF & water I was using, while regular POM stems sunk. So on a quick search of what plastics floated I found this blerb.

Which plastics will float in freshwater?

The three that float in water are less than 1.00 g/mL and these are: HDPE, LDPE, and PP. See the chart on densities for the actual numbers. Plastics will vary in density when they are manufactured so there is a range of densities for each kind of plastic. Pure metals have an exact density and not a range.

I wonder which of three or what blend of them they are using?


Your contribution to keeb science is to be commended. I just hope the size tolerances are better than UHMWPE stems – I just bought a bag of them from Prevail to use in some Gat CJ housings, and I’d hate to play the “will my kecap stay on” game like the other stems.




Big brain moment. Cool findings!


So good. I only wish I saw this a bit earlier.


Apparently my work doesnt block the discord web version on my work laptop. But I joked with my manager that if im gonna use it im gonna suffer on the mobile version and not risk my job (idk if using it during work would get me in trouble or not)

I actually managed to lube 25 switches yesterday which, lately, is a massive achievement for me. I used to bag lube my springs with 105 but lately I’ve switched to donut dipping the base with something heavier (Gazzew’s Blend #7 in this case). I was initially skeptical that this would work as well for ping and noise reduction but the more I do it, the more convinced I become.

When I have the time, I’d like to go a side-by-side with an awful spring to A/B the donut method, bag lubing, and a control.

Separately: apparently my wife thinks that one red switch and one green switch on our Christmas tree was a dumb ornament idea but I stand by my festive choices.


Keep them! Heck, color the housing with a marker so make it even more festive.

Ha! I realize the Cherry Red is a little bit of a stretch but it was literally the only switch with red that I had in my bag of misfit switches.


Ohh, I see. I thought you have the SMD or clear housing reds. Looks great either way!

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Today I learned to always check how much lube you have before fully opening everything… Got maybe 20 switches done and my operation has been temporarily halted.

Reminds me of this meme…

Day Ruined GIFs | Tenor


Same can be applied to your personal life :wink:


I was not ready to read that and I took a giant gulp of my energy drink…

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Today I learned to never EVER eat ice cream when lubing. Mistook my brush as my spoon, well, you know what happened. Not tasty.


Yeah, but do you chew quieter now? :joy:


It’s a nice “thock” really, maybe should have not lubed the tongue. Takes away from the chewing tactility, you know?


Learned how to use a multimeter. I have owned the multimeter for a while and only used it for connectivity checking (which I was also doing wrong…)

This video helped simplify things for me.


I think a decent meter is the most overlooked troubleshooting tool in this hobby. So, so, so helpful.

Also, for the current portion of the video, if you intend to do anything beyond keyboarding it might be worth getting a clamp meter so you don’t have to break the circuit to test it.


Followed closely by a soldering iron, so you can address the trouble once you find it.

You really need a delay for the “hold” part of the hold/tap mechanism handling, otherwise it’s going to be a hell when typing fast and doing rollovers. Especially important for home-row mods.