Quick-and-dirty photo of a new build for a friend;
- De-badged / generic Rakk Lam Ang Pro hotswap bluetooth RGB barebones platform (thanks to Keeb i.o. for making that available in the US!)
- Added foam in the case (comes with retail version but not this generic one)
- Unholy Silent Skies (Halos stem-swapped with Outemu Silent Sky tactiles; springs bag-lubed with teflon bike lube - for a cyclist)
- Clipped, lubed, and bandaid modded GMK / Cherry stabs, apparently pre re-tool
- Ducky’s pudding caps; a bit thicker and with better legends than the standard ones
This thing is quiet. I put this together for a friend of mine after he mentioned his stream viewers complaining about his keyboard - currently a generic with out-board blue switches. I think his viewers will appreciate the change.
I’d used the Outemu Silent Sky tactile stems before, but I’d had them paired with light springs, and I did not like that combination. With the 60g Halo springs, however, they feel satisfying and snappy while still being much more quiet than the average “silent” switch. If silence is your priority, I cannot recommend Outemu’s silent offerings enough.