What is on your desk today?

That board is SEXY !

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Thanks. All 3 of my Klippe cases are from R1, so they have the standard standoff posts. I’m always jealous of people with newer ones that have the removable middle and bottom posts. Maybe one of these days I’ll get the courage to take a dremel to them. I’ve done it with my 5 degree case, but it hurts my soul to mess up a beautiful Klippe.


Dude, don’t do it… It’s like defacing a work of art.
Someone just needs to invent a PCB with a flexible material around the screw holes that gives it a bouncy feel. Wilba are you listening?


Also, I have the exact same Klippe case and Sifo keycaps. I’m probably going to copy your build because it looks awesome… although I’ll probably go for a Tsangan bottom row if I can find a straight 7u spacebar.

Done. And it will be here soon-ish. Well, 1 of them at least. Hopefully he’ll run more down the road.

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Bummed I missed this

R1 Sirius with POM plate and stock NK cream switches


EPBT Ivory finally showed up after what seemed like a year and a half wait. Mounted on the Yui40 v2.


awesome JustSystems vibe from this!

dev/tty + Serika?

been meaning to ask every time you post your board: what kind of coat is on your board?

I’ve been planning on getting a board coated yellow and I really like that one you chose. Just wondering about the powder name (or cerakote name if that’s the case)

All my previous boards were powder coated. I decided to go with cerakote on this guy. This is done in Sunflower Yellow. You can get it here:


That was my inspiration for sure. It’s the Japan kit:

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thanks much!

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oh wow. I missed that set I guess when dev/tty2 ran.

I know that it would be the wrong legend but it would be tempting to get the Red R2 Backspace (arrow) from the Unicorn kit and sticking it on Tab

like this?

Too bad there’s not a red right shift key :frowning:


haha madman!

Great board

Wait, on second thought, this prob as close as I can get it to look like a Just HiPro :slight_smile:


I am interested in this one, you might be as well Pixel - https://www.reddit.com/r/mechmarket/comments/mlf4ck/ic_nappe_oring_gasket_mount_mod_pcb_for/

I continue to use, and enjoy, my Sinc. The split keyboard concept was new to me before this and I have to say I really enjoy it. It’s quite comfortable.


I built one of these recently for a friend and I was really impressed with it. Love all of the customization and the ease of assembly (no pro-micros anymore).