Whats your typing speed?

I’m going to give all the credit to the kailh polia switches for this one. cant wait to see how they/feel sound after some lube and film.

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This is my best so far, but one day I’ll break 100!



Man, I’m back down below 20 getting use to my new Kyria :sweat_smile:

It has been a nice challenge though!

My wizard you are RIGHT THERE! You’ll break 100! I believe


I am in the 105-115 range consistently.

Not bad. That is almost 3 times the average typing speed, I believe.

Here’s 200 random words that are typed using either your left or right hand. I threw this up in Monkeytype’s custom textbox and gave it a go. What a sad spectacle that was. Hope you fare better.

hypopyon illinium craze milliohm homonymy draws waxed dewar cafes cards zaxes pipkin milkily faxed ionium polynyi jollily munnion unholy saver acred verts wrest trews decaf hoopoo dazes unkink punily wader cedar serac facer raxed muumuu wares czars pompom pullup homily waves jokily sware pumpkin dares safer fazed sewar oilily faces fards craws verbs phyllo cades plummy adzes phylon verst wafer pinyon milium races faxes pokily minikin jimply carse youpon dwarf pinyin waver phonon caved poplin hookup frets carex killjoy nympho limply phylum muonium acres minium scare wards hokily sawed jumpily polypi lollypop jiminy fades dears lollop wared homonym drest pillion holmium minimum swear raves fared drave caves sward linkup uplink daces swarf moujik carve brews caver razes kinkily crave crest pompon rased saved pimply moulin unhook waxer joypop avers waved hominy zarfs wefts fares moonily lollipop razed limpkin cared cawed cares faves strew johnny lookup pinkly fears unlink nonoily pinion jimminy fazes sawer nippily mukluk raved reads pulpily hokypoky screw scarf holloo opinion lumpily wades knolly jillion devas resaw oniony cased holily rewax kimono waxes dregs raced plumply millimho raxes mullion uphill wears inulin faced farce minion escar cadre arced limuli pippin phonily dewax fader debts crews punkin lupulin huipil



(not really - but so close!)


What do you think the trick is to break 100 wpm? I swear man, I’ve plateaued at or around the mid-90’s. I just don’t think my fingers move that fast …

Have you tried 15 and 30 second bursts for a bit? I find warming up on something smaller helps. Also, get in the habit of never fixing mistakes. Keep a steady cadence and type through the errors. These things all have helped me in the past.


The ability to read ahead of what you’re typing is one essential skill.

Try practicing by typing single sentences that you read a couple times before you start typing. You should gradually see gains, and then you can increase length of sentence and randomness of words. (Edit: Yea, this is related to Pixel’s suggestion above.)

Also increase complexity. Like type on English 10K on monkey type for a couple days, then go back to normal English. You’ll likely see speed gains.


Can confirm @pixelpusher and @sarvopari both have good suggestions. When I first started tracking my speed a few years ago my peak was in the low 90’s and my average was in the 70’s.

Aside from general practice, focusing on a steady stream and finding a good amount of lead for me to read ahead. Having that mental queue of a few words in the mental pipeline goes a long way for me - and any distraction (internal or external) is where most of those errors and speed-dips come in.

Too much caffeine kills my accuracy.

I’ve also found that at least for me, focusing on consistency (and accuracy) over speed actually increases my speed averages. Some of the best scores I’ve gotten were when I was focused on trying to be as steady and accurate as possible even at the cost of slowing down a little - it almost always takes longer to fix an error than to type a word more slowly (but accurately) the first time.


That’s interesting. Bursts huh … sort of like conditioning your finger muscles to move faster than they normally know how to. I think I’m picking up what you’re putting down – I’ll for sure give this a go.

I don’t do this at all. Dammit. I literately read each word for the first time as they come. Now that you mention it, I do fair a lot better with typing test that use dictation (excerpts from novels or the encyclopedia) where what you’re typing is an actual structured sentence or article. I thought it was because it had more little words like “a”, “of”, “be”, etc., but maybe it was that I was actually and subconsciously reading ahead a bit since English grammar is a bit predictable.

Nice. I had no idea this existed. :grin:

So true. I’ll work on this.

Like pixelpusher mentioned, I don’t currently fix typing mistakes – more like stomach through them. This might be a habit learned by having spellcheck on everything.

Thanks y’all, I really appreciate the feedback. I have some practicing to do now.

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Anywhere from 120-140 WPM depending on the language and length used in Monkeytype, but nowadays I nearly exclusively use English 1K words because I’m bored of English which has too little variety. I can burst up to 145ish wpm at 25 words/15s. (I actually just did this one while writing this comment for fun)

I rest my hands at home row using F/J as the index pointers, and consistently use 8 fingers while typing in Monkeytype when not using punctuation (exceptions are left thumb and right pinky, I right thumb spacebar). Keys for me are consistently reading 1 or two words ahead of my typing, making sure that I type in a little bit of a rhythm as well instead of doing staccato-like bursts. Improvement really only comes through repetition and consistency in trying to improve your typing speed floor: bursting speeds aren’t really something you can consciously control.

For reference, switches are Durock Medium Tactile with TX 62g Long springs on ePBT 9009.


60 or 70 words per minute, I’m pretty slow but I do not type long text in general.


106wpm 100% accuracy - 50 words, English 1K

82wpm 100% accuracy - 50 words, English 1K, punctuation, fail on accuracy below 97%, strict space on and opposing shift mode on.

I have just started working on getting faster. I want to reach 150wpm with high accuracy, difficult word lists and punctuation.

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burst mode is fun


@Walkerstop this still makes me chuckle


Broke my record yesterday, just horrible accuracy :sweat_smile:
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