Wife about to go into labor - Freaking out

@ddrfraser1 congrats on the impending/just happened parenthood!

15 years ago now I built, one, then I built another, and pretty soon I had four (this sounds familiar, doesn’t it?) Quite the rabbit hole. Feel free to pm if you need anything.


Good luck and congratulations. Watching my three children born was consistenlty the scariest/most exhilarating moments of my life. Kids are great. You’ll love every minute, even when you don’t… if that makes sense.


Hospital keyboards, smh :smirk:


Lol. Why is the the bottom row so tall?

Custom built for this guy maybe.

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I think I had one of these back in the early aughts, oof

Yeah that looks like the ones that they had in my high school around like 2010

I just hope you thought ahead bro because if you weren’t prepared and didn’t pack a proper board in your emergency kit there’s a chance you had to bang this out on Loretta from Nursing’s 1992 Compaq SDM4540UL and then what’s your kid going to think of you…that is NOT a first impression you want to make.

I hope you’re now the proud owner of a new, healthy, happy baby my man. Now be a good Dad for 18 years and maybe I’ll buy ya a beer :beer::beer::rofl:


I just saw this - never read past your first post just hit reply LOL! It was almost as bad as I’d thought!!

Oh my gosh we could do a whole thread on weird hospital keyboards. Look at this shit.



is that a missing key? oof


Yep. One of the shittiest keyboards I ever used. Had one built into the lectern at my old University. Absolute garbo.

In fact, this company seems to specialize in shitty keyboards. There an even worse one that is a full rubber coated version of this. Probably about 100g to bottom out a key. Irregular spacing Lots of fun.

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Water broke, huh? Ehh, you and her got this. My wife and I have had six kids so I know exactly what your going through. My closest one was my wife’s water broke in the middle of the night when we were living in Germany. We were about 30 minutes from the hospital so I had to haul ass in my little GTI and she had the baby 30 minutes after getting to the hospital. Fun times :laughing:


Congratulations on your baby.
I just joined KeebTalk today and I’m still in search for my first mechanical keyboard.
Our son is coming up on 39 years old, so somewhere in my head is a ton of advice.
To keep it short I’ll just say, focus on the priorities in life. Christ Jesus, Wife, children & family.
Like others have said in the comments, “you got this”. With Christ, you can do anything.

God bless you and yours,


Amen! And welcome doomed mortal!


You got this, king!