Interesting Finds & Heads-Ups

That’s not a render?? Talk about a home run!


No idea. They’re from matt3o’s blog.

So Kemove sent me one of their P10 switch pullers (for free), and after a weekend of marathon switch pulling I came to the conclusion that it’s absolutely stunning. Especially compared to all the cheap keycap pullers I own. I posted a short review, and with the 30% KBDNEWS discount code in effect, for a short time you can get it for less than $12, which is almost half of the official price.


NovelKeys have a couple Key Kobo sets coming their way that are up for preorder. VoC was my first dream set so I may have to snag that one.

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I will just drop this here. Titanium.

5 Likes have a surprise/random GMK base kit for €80
GMK Norse - 35%
GMK Red Alert - 27%
GMK Fox - 17%
GMK Sixes -14%
GMK Kouhai - 7%


Ha. I only own one of those sets… and I bet you that I would get that one!

It’s $109USD for me. Not bad at all… but I don’t want Norse base. :rofl: :rofl:

I would 100% get Sixes because I hate everything beige.

ay ay ay… I caved and bought one. I figure I can break even on r/mm if I don’t want it

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wow. i never wanted to purchase anything from them anymore after their messups. but i got one of those surprise sets. hopefully red alert.

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One can only hope!! :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

I heard something about those keycaps sits to loose on the switches. :thinking:

FYI: Just tried Vertrel XF for the first time. It evaporates crazy fast. So fast that I think getting fresh switches and replacing brushes is more reasonable than degreasing.

Oh interesting, I also have Vertel XF and I haven’t tried it yet due to its rapid evaporation.

IIRC someone mentioned he diluted it in water in an ultrasonic cleaner (maybe it was you?), so maybe diluting it in a bit of water will help? I’ll need to explore this too when I’ll have the time.

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They fixed the stem issue a month ago for newer sets. The only sets to avoid is Keykobo WoB/BoW/RGB mods, if you don’t want loose stems.

So shiny! Me want!


Yes pls. Wouldn’t mind seeing Beige on Brown finally make an appearance, either… >.>

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That is a very nice looking set. I dont need more key caps at the moment, but always so tempting.


Drop Memorial Day week sale going on - a few random highlights:

  • MT3 WoB, BoW, 3277, Dusk bases: $50

  • GMK Serenity base: $100

  • Moondrop Haimus: $20/ pack of 35 (30% off; still not cheap, but they are pretty great)

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These were a Sleeper Hit for me… I found I still needed to lube them myself, but a little bit of 205 later, and these feel great to type on and their clack is very pleasant on both the tactiles and linears :+1: :+1: