Interesting Finds & Heads-Ups

Very weird. I feel like the stem has to be more narrow and might sound puny and feel wobbly. But who knows :man_shrugging:


Been wondering when we’d see those in the West since I saw some of a different color on XCJZ’s Instagram. I’m also curious about their stability - but hey, looks like there wouldn’t be any interference issues :man_shrugging:

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Woah, most interesting keycaps I’ve seen in a while. Bought some, let’s see if they look as good in person. :slight_smile:


See what I mean about this insta having neat stuff on it before it shows up around here?

Sure looks like someone went and put straight-up ball bearings in a switch stem. Might end up being a hmm but it’s pretty neat either way.

Something I think that’s definitely good though - the flutes on the pole. This negates the need for an exhaust port, like can be found on some Huano switches (and even a Gateron or two).


His Instagram is poor in information. It must be looked at bilibili. He makes more videos than photos.


Novelkeys is essentially having a 20% off anything sale. $100 gift card for $80


Can I purchase an $80 gift card and purchase the $100 gift card with it again? :thinking: :thinking:

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First time in a long time I’ve seen an SA set reach group buy. Looks like SA Oblivion ASCII, with the K sublegend fixed.

Haven’t seen this announced anywhere, just spotted it on NK when I looked at their gift card flash sale. Too bad the kitting is very limited. It’s just a barebones monokit.


I didn’t really have any plans to join another GMK GB but this one (sorta) fulfills one of my favorite unmade sets: 7-Bit’s R7 VoC/CoV Cadet option.

Glad GMK is getting their money’s worth on their Cadet molds.

Anyone know if the purple in this set matches the purple in this one?

edit: Found an answer on Oblotzsky’s discord (I hate joining every damn designer’s Discord):


Heard this guy is looking for an engineer who can build things without exhaust ports:


Damn. Those GSA Retro High-Light sets are almost gone. I just purchased one too. Down to 5 on the KBDfans site, and 4 on their Aliexpress page.

I also joined the Discord server that was in the Han’s Type-Gnirps board. Sadly it looks like those keyboards won’t get an international release. I was actually really interested in the Arisu layout one. It looks great with the keycaps.

The back of the case looks awesome too.

More pics:

From the Discord:

Hey everyone, I’m really sorry to have to say this, but the Han’s 80, Han’s pad, Han’s gnirps, and Han’s watch will not have an international release. The complex and hand-printed process makes it too hard to maintain the same quality.
However, if you are still interested in getting these products, they may be available through the second-hand market. You can check out 闲鱼), a Chinese second-hand market where you might be able to find them.
You can also find the matching keycap there by searching (无铭 han)
At this point, it should have about 250 han’80, 50 han’s grips &pads ever been made.


I don’t hate it :thinking:

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Big sad.

Although my budget breathes a sigh of relief.

Wow! That keyboard looks awesome. What a bummer it won’t come out here.

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I’d be curious about the comparison as well. Was thinking to be in market for PN extras.

That is exactly what I hated about 80’s tech designs. Those ribs are excellent dust catchers!

You will need an old toothbrush to clean everything.

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I compared the purples and PN seems more vivid. I first thought it’d be cool to pick a purple Cadet, but looks like I will be picking only the red base.

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In stock:


Pretty interesting and well presented discussion on what happened with Mechs&Co and where things are at in the hobby.