What did you get in the mail today? (Part 1)

I’ll try and get a few shots done today or tmrw.


Higher res: https://photos.app.goo.gl/UoV5Bro22hD6Gao77

i don’t have a good macro lens so hard to get close up shots…

Edit: But here are some crappy macros using a tube extender.


wow, that reverse dye sub is impressive to me. I’ve seen double shot caps that have similar bleed from plastics mixing on the thin serfis. Very nice, indeed.


Stocking up on my basics.


Thank you for the pics, I really appreciate the effort. They aren’t perfect up close, but they look great for reverse dyesub (or dyesub even). The keycaps themselves don’t look desaturated either which is a major pet peeve of min.

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This is very impressive for reverse dye sub. Awesome reference photo, thank you for posting this.

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I had quite the mail day today, two very different (but both super rad) boards that showed up on the same day.


is that a modern m0110 or the drop clone?

It’s a modern m0110. Seems some have been trickling out over the last few weeks.

Polaris came in.

  • Black case with normal brass weight
  • 2 PCBs
  • full-brass plate and half-FR4 plate

Going to take my sweet time building this one.


aaaaaah I still need to post mail pics. Got Sandstorm in; but I’ll post it once it’s on a board :slight_smile:


No problem!

To be honest, it actually looks crisper than the regular dyesub on the red keys. The only issue I can see is color bleed from the plastic underneath. In strong daylight you can still see a dark red hue to these keys (hard to photograph).


Yikes. That’s a clear stop sign for me.

Same I got behind with mail pics & got so many artisans & small things in since my last post I figured better not to spam the thread. Waiting on Sanctuary Rebirth to finally get here (was supposed to be here fri… F Fedex) before I post anything again.

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I think that just comes with the territory with reverse dye subs.

  • Something I expected - and something I didn’t!

  • YMDK 9-key RGB hot-swap macro pad I’d ordered from their eBay store

  • Commodore 64 salvaged and converted into a functional USB keyboard

  • Complete with original dust and crust!

I’d been expecting the macro pad for a while, but was surprised to find a much bigger package next to it in the mailbox.

My dad had an old C64 that appeared not to function, so he’d long-ago salvaged the main board for components. Years later, he decided to make something really cool out of what was left: a fully-functioning driverless USB keyboard. I knew he’d been working on it in the background alongside his many other projects, but I’d basically forgotten about it. What a cool thing to open alongside my little macro pad!

For the curious, some keeb trivia:

  • Mitsumi linear switches (used to feel awful and creak like an old bed, but now they are surprisingly passable - pops must have given them some love)

  • Super-thick high-pro double-shot spherical ABS caps with pad-printed front legends for character-based graphics

  • Caps are cross mount, but not MX

  • Shift Lock is a physically-locking switch

  • Uses a printer cable

  • Appears to have old school joystick ports (now where did I put my Gravis Pro…)

  • Made possible with the Keyrah V2 board from Individual Computers and lots of tinkering

Thanks, Dad!


My first PCB arrived finally! A GH60 Satan. Took over a month from UK to Germany. Had an AliExpress delivery in the meantime that actually came through faster :man_shrugging:t2:

Hope that allows sufficient initial switch tests without a plate and case.


That little pink case is so cute :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Finally got my Sanctuary Rebirth set in & all the long spacebars are warped bad… LOL FML… Other than that though I am really happy with the set. The legends came out great & it looks just like I thought it would, gotta give Infinikey credit where it’s due. As for the spacebars, I have heard most sets didn’t have bad warping like mine so there’s that. I shot TKC an email & got my fingers crossed they have some replacement spacebars on hand. I’ll let you guys know what goes on there.
Edit: TKC did get back to me & are shipping me replacement 6.25u & 7u spacebars!

Oh, I also got my two KRAP Copycats from the Starwars day sale in too! So happy with them! Been wanting a Copycat for awhile & really lucked out to get two spots in that raffle!


As a Quake player that font really speaks to me. :heart_eyes: