What did you get in the mail today? (Part 1)

Totally. It’s a Rama U80-A in Moon (gray). The poor lighting in my office makes it look a tad darker than it should, but it’s a deep gray…Below is the original product page which gives a good representation of the color.

There is a round two for the board if you want to get your hands on one. The Moon color is running again, but the weight now colored to match the case instead of being gold. Do not that the render of the Moon case is way too light; I would refer to the original page as it is a standard color for Rama at this point.

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I got a RAL K7 book for more keycap designs!


I was hoping that was going to be your answer!

I’ve been saving for my first mech for a while and I really like the Rama U80-A but wasn’t sure about Moon or Kuro.

I generally prefer a dark grey to a pure black but I’ve found it difficult to get a good idea of what Moon looks like, in some photos it’s close to black and in some photos it’s close to silver.

Thanks for the help, I’m currently leaning towards the U80-A in Moon with GMK Oblivion to match.

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I really want you to be informed in the best way possible (since you will be laying down some cash) so I took another pic. Again, my phone camera sucks and the lighting is cold, poor, and from behind (with a monitor glaring back the other way) so take it with a grain of salt. I really just wanted to show you the contrast between the Moon color, silver, and black – I hope this succeeds in that endeavor. The gray looks a bit lighter here as the overhead light is shining directly on it unlike last time and washing the pic out, but it’s definitely not close to silver. Also of my windows wallpaper is blue right now and is making the metal look a bit blue as well. I really need a better setup for photos, lol.


Thanks for the photo, you’ve got plenty of cool Schiit on the table!

I managed to find a photo on their Facebook with the Moon/Oblivion setup and it looks pretty cool.

I’ve still got a month to agonize and deliberate on it so no worries :grinning:

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I’ll have to check out… ~shivers~ …facebook for that pic. The real agony comes when you’re waiting for the GB to be fulfilled, lol.

Today I got me some springs all the way from Canada.

And a nice little package from the Netherlands.

New knob vs old knob. :ok_hand:

Question : Can u lube a rotary encoder?


:raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed: Got SA 128k, photoshop variety, from Seoul. Can’t wait to try it!


Novel Keys Big switch, Elite C controller, Cherry brown & clear switches


What is that blue return key from? Looks great.

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Been looking for these little guys for a while :smile:


I can’t help but wonder, did anyone actually build a complete keyboard with those big switches?


Thanks man. It’s the Artifact Bloom accent set from Drop. I regretfully passed on the ePBT Grayscale accents when I bought the set in GB so I thought this might me a decent replacement. From the pics on Drop I thought the blue would be a bit more muted, but in reality they are darker and more vibrant which I think worked out well regardless. The keycap surface is quite smooth/slick so I’m not sure that I could use a whole set to type on comfortably, but they are perfect in this use case.


I think Razer did one at CES 2018.

I thought it was going to be a quick thing to set up but the elite C controller wants to play hide-and-seek from my PC…


That was a neat read. Heh - they typo’d Mike’s name as “Stickler” in one instance.


Oh yeah, I was at CES for work that year and ducked out for a few to go check that thing out, it was pretty cool, bigger than I was expecting. I don’t remember it actually being hooked up to anything to show that it worked, but I might just not have noticed. It definitely had lots of RGB.


I know your not supposed to lube pots, because it can mess with the signal… but rotary encoders could probably be lubed. I imagine that it will come down to the design of the rotary encoder, and if your willing to disassemble it… I would avoid getting lube on the encoder disk and the sensor, especially if it is optical.



Rotary encoder teardown photos

Pots vs rotary encoders

Edit: Added image and fixed paragraph.




!!! After market? :open_mouth:

Hmm, will probably leave it be. At least until I get one more to try on.

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