What did you get in the mail today? (Part 1)

2 Drop WoB sets. % is flawed on the first set. :frowning:


I kind of like the flawed % actually. I wonder if in years to come it’ll be a rare sought-after item, like how misprinted stamps fetch thousands at auction now!


PBT Muted spacebars from KPRepublic:

I think they may go with Artifact Bloom “Vintage” keycaps.

They seem to match the ABKO K935P.


That’s not a percent sign, it’s mathematician’s Yin Yang.


I kind of like the % more that way


That Hangul sub-legend layout looks wrong. ㅅ is the base letter and ㅆ is its emphasized version equivalent to uppercase and requiring shift modifier or double-press to type. I’d think the correct order should be ㅅㅆ, not ㅆㅅ. Bizarre.


I got something I nearly forgot about today, I guess it got caught up in customs. Just one slight problem.

I could :b: wrong but I’m pretty sure I ordered an R4 cap.


If it helps, I’m not sure that the keyboard is 100% made in Korea. I think it uses Chinese domes, and possibly keycaps.

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You should get the keycaps that are all :b:'s.

I bought a dye-sub set from AliExpress and the ‘B’ was halfway down the keycap lower than it was supposed to, so they simply sent me another with the correct positioning.

Full set of Hako trues and a couple bags of Kailh mx clones (pretty good budget mod switch) for super-cheap from Kono store. Arrived in a day with regular shipping!


I haven’t done much keyboarding lately, but decided out of the blue that it was time to give ortho a go with this very unique zebra wood Planck I picked up on /mm. It’s layout is shaping up to be as odd as my MiniVan’s :grinning:


New cable came in. Looks great.


That is an inspired layout on top. Phew! Really good stuff. I’m definitely gonna steal that. :+1:t3::muscle:t3:

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Hey thanks, please do!


I was soooo excited to get DSS Neon Nights in today. This set looks even better in person. I will happily be using my new Minivan with it this week.


KAT Eternal finally arrived. It’s my first KAT set, and I’m digging the profile so far – after seeing what a height decrease can do for SA (yes, I know there are more differences), it makes me wonder what a shorter MT3 could be like. My pic doesn’t do the set justice (and why do straight lines appear curved on my phone camera), but it definitely isn’t a 1:1 to the renders, especially the under-pronounced gradient. I knew this would be the case being Keyreative first attempt at reverse dyesub. That being said, I still dig the colors and set overall, and Keyreative’s commitment to identify and fix errors on this set gives me confidence that they will have a lot ironed out before KAT Mizu hits my doorstep (the other KAT set I blindly bought).


It looks really close to the renders to me. Very nice! I really like my KAT milkshake set. It might be my favorite profile.

I’m having a hard time finding something that’s not too wacky though. I didn’t buy Eternal b/c it looked too similar to SA Abyss to me, and I own that set. Hoping there will be more simple KAT sets in the future. I didn’t like the legend alignment of KAT refined.


I did kind of dig the alignment of KAT Refined personally, but god knows that I don’t need another BoW set, especially after I just bought MT3 BoW. I do agree with you and I would be in for a simple set, preferably one with regular dyesub on the alphas – KAT Rudy anyone (Napoleonic is close, but I don’t like those legends too much)?


Wow, KAT sets are finally shipping?


That’s the second set that has shipped. I have had my milkshake set for months.

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