What did you get in the mail today? (Part 1)

Did you do the famous Hakko desoldering gun? Or go with another option?

I have been wishy-washy for some time about getting on as well. I have explored some of the cheaper options on AliExpress but have not pulled the trigger yet. Mill-max sockets are pricey and I have almost paid the price of a desoldering gun in them.:grimacing:

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FR-301 is life changing.


I went for this one: S-998P 220V 100W Electric Vacuum Double-Pump Solder Sucker Desoldering Gun Soldering Iron Sale - Banggood USA-arrival notice-arrival notice

Quite good reviews, delivery within EU and cheaper than Hakko, should cover my need for occasional desoldering job…


Oof, you have the fancy Hakko model with tip cartriges that takes only a few seconds to get hot :slight_smile:
Nice buy :wink:


Thank you! I have been looking at this one as well. The price on this one makes me feel a little more comfortable. I just don’t think I have enough boards at this time to warrant a hakko.

Not having to wait for the tip to get hot is sooo nice. I use a metcal CV-5210 at work and then am always big sad when I use my like $30 shitty iron at home and have to wait like 5 minutes for it to heat up, but like then again you don’t really need nice equipment to solder a keyboard together.

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Lubed Glorious :panda_face:s


Very nice. I’ve been happy with a cheap $50 solder gun so proper desolder gun is a more attractive addition to my keeb toolset.

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This is what I use for desoldering.

Simple and very effective, size matters :stuck_out_tongue:


I also went for a simple sucker for now.


Some Deskeys domes for my future keyboards the Heavy Grail and Norbaforce Mark III


I have SS-02 for desoldering. It works well but it’s still more laborious than I’d like.


A good manual sucker can be very effective.
The last board I desoldered (a full size DAS keyboard for a colleague) took me only 15 minutes.


One of these pump bulb desoldering irons have been my go to for desoldering for the last roughly 4 years. Much cheaper than a desoldering gun & much easier to use than a manual hand pump. The only complaint I have with it is that the tips wear out kinda quick, but they are replaceable & fairly cheap. I highly recommend them for anyone who is sick of manual desoldering, but can’t justify dumping $300 on a proper desoldering gun!


I have a similar one - https://www.amazon.com/Engineer-SS-02-Solder-Sucker/dp/B002MJMXD4/ref=pd_sbs_21_1/141-8502349-5231934?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B002MJMXD4&pd_rd_r=00540dc3-4258-4c1e-913a-d7a2dd858b04&pd_rd_w=XYWkO&pd_rd_wg=p7YZi&pf_rd_p=de2765fe-65e5-4a88-aaad-a915dea49c67&pf_rd_r=6C843TSR7223RKCF442F&psc=1&refRID=6C843TSR7223RKCF442F

It was not this expensive when I originally bought it. I will say I have only desoldered one board, a tada68, and it was a struggle. However I think this is partly due to the “factory” grade solder used. I need to try using it on a board with that I have built using decent grade stuff. Maybe it will still fit the bill or work better.

Do you “spitt” it out after each desolder like the handpump?


Finally got a 45-ATS. Been after this one a long time!


Yeah you got to spit it out after every joint, the main benefit is keeping the joint heated the entire time instead of having to remove the heat to use the pump.


Got my MT3 Camillo in the mail today and it looks awesome. Thought the grey mods would pair well with the grey alt that I have, and imo they do.

Man I love mt3. Easily my favourite profile. I’ve got this and susuwatari, with wob in the mail still.


Same. Not to knock SA, but ABS MT3 everything I wanted SA to be before I tried it.

I’m glad to see yours looks good - I think Dorp does have some manufacturing hiccups to work out; I’m on my third BoW set that’s not up to standard. My Susuwatari set is just about perfect, but the first WoB set and the first two BoW sets I got had under-injected legends on A, S, Z, X, C, a weird looking “BACKSPACE” key, and a few other weird things. The latest BoW set had a stem that wasn’t fully molded (or broken off). The second WoB set I got wasn’t quite up to par with Susuwatari, but it was good enough that I didn’t want to mail it again.

I really hope they get this down because ABS MT3 probably is my favorite thing to put on a keyboard, and when it’s produced to-spec the quality is brilliant.