What did you get in the mail today? (Part 1)

When you go from zero artisans to what do I do with all these, in one mail day.

Traded a little work to @arissj for the Fugu, Keebio macropad and some Inks! Mr @Rob27shred being one of those fabled generally swell people, sent me the rest as a belated Christmas gift!





Love it :heart_eyes:



Is this from our man @keyboardman?



I love it so much! I want 10 more! The fit is fantastic. Definitely worth the already fair price. We need these mass produced, @keyboardman


Since I had some laying around, I put them in Trash Panda housings. They look nice with the silver stem in the gray housing, but I think Walker pointed out that those YOK housings aren’t as ideal as they could be for silents. Still - super quiet overall. I’d say the tighter the tolerance on the housing the better since those Outemu silent stems do have a little wobble - I think most of the sound they do make comes from the play.

I have some comparisons / sound tests including those hybrids here.

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Tried them out in silent sky housing (blue bottom, clear top). These are going to be a hit with the clicky lovers. Very nice.

Going to get a hotswap board full of them and see how annoyingly loud they are. Ha.

Okay, I put a few more in housings and I’ve changed my mind. I’m confused. I thought the whole point was to make them double clicky like Aristotle stems. They’re missing the little hook on the end of the leg to make them catch on the way back up. Uh… what? They feel and sound 95% like a gateron clicky switch. In fact, i had a Gateron green switch beside the Phoenix stem switch and I couldn’t tell the difference. Hmm…


Monday mail days :upside_down_face:


They’re coming! I need to put together some more teaser photos for GB/Pre-Order. I am so happy that you like it :slight_smile:.

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got my package of Phoenix (the new Aristotle) stem yesterday.

in the image: stem on the right is the old Aristotle

the clicky from these stems does not disappoint :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I agree it’s a good click but I was disappointed by the lack of click on the way up. Wish we could have that nice, crisp double click of the original Aristotle stem.

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I got this amazing piece of work in from @norbauer, I can’t wait to get it together. I’m ready to sell all my other boards lol.


I was considering buying one of those lube stations. The main thing that made me not was that the recess to hold the stems seems to be circular. Do the stems not spin around in there while you are trying to lube?

Also I noticed that tube of Krytox. Is this the tube that is available on Amazon for ~$25?

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Big mail week :sweat_smile:

EDIT: both sizes of the new RAMA canvas deskmats, two packs of 110 POM invyr pandas, 2 packs of 64g and a pack of 68g progressive springs from Thic Thock now that the weighting was fixed, and 330 phoenix stems. (I’ve got some fun frankenswitching projects ahead of me :joy:)


Olive + some smoke Everclear(or is it Durock?) stabs that took WAY too long to get here.


got this last night, but hey, it counts, right? a very cool and funky revthulu artisan ! hopefully i’ll post back later this week with my newest board!!


  • some cherry mx black switches
  • cheap standard ortho keycaps
  • wires

Interesting case you’re working on.

It‘s just an old backplate of an speaker :sweat_smile:. It‘s my first handwired keyboard, so i don’t want to waste a lot of money if it does not work :smile::sweat_smile:


How are you cutting out the holes after drilling?