What did you order or think about ordering?

last minute copped for MT3 BOGO - MT3 Serika katakana core & Extended 2048 Dark


Picked up another batch of Gateron smoothies and some Jade Magnetic switches from Divinikey.

Smoothies might be the first switch in a long time to get soldered into multiple builds :crossed_fingers:


Yeah I’m a big fan of the Smoothies too. I ordered another 144 of them when NK got them in stock. After trying them in my DR-70F I was sold. They are the first switch I was completely happy with the factory lube job. Then as an added bonus Gateron actually used somewhat decent springs in them too. Planning on building my TKL One up with them either tonight or tomorrow night!


I have a Corsa and no badges, so I ordered some badges! They’re running a 2024 r2 instock sale and some restocks of 2024 r1.


I used to have way too many DCX and MT3 sets from those BOGO sales haha. They’re great keycaps so it’s totally worth it!

@pixelpusher @Deadeye I’m also a bit… wary of my GB order with Vala for GMK Nimbus. It seems like they’re slowly making progress but given the trend of vendors vanishing or closing up shop, I’m still a bit nervous.


FWIW I’ve not personally had any issues with Vala so far - I’ve ordered from them a few times and always gotten my goodies complete with fun stickers, but I sure don’t blame you for feeling uneasy about it. Here’s to hoping they can keep things smooth moving forward.

Ha me too on the Drop keys - I call where they live the “shoe closet” :smile:


Same. I had 1 issue, but it was very specific. But the takeaway from that one issue is that they are quite a small business.

I’ve not seen many small business fare well in the past year is all…

But I’m not saying avoid them. Just beware. Small business. Lots of outstanding group buys to be delivered.


Ordered a black USB-C cable with a slimline connector from Amazon for $30 & nabbed a GMK WoB essentials Dark RGB kit from NK.


NK sale stuff;

  • KKB WoB & BoW since I liked Signet so much
  • Wilba 60% PCB because you can never have too many of those
  • MTNU GMK samples because colors

2024/02/07 - KFA reported “Class60s are shipping out today.” AFAIK, they’re based in LA, CA.

2024/02/21 - Checked KFA Discord again bc its been 2 weeks. USPS takes only a few days to deliver to same state. Noticed others haven’t received either. Saw that I need to DM them to receive shipment tracking number.

Got my shipment tracking number but…

This is the USPS tracking number. I will check when they will ship it.

Yup. It hasn’t shipped yet.

If you are running a business, don’t mince words. Great products and pricing mean nothing without trust.


Grabbed a set of GMK WoB Cyrillic from SpaceCables. Been eyeing the set for a hot min & figured I better grab it before it sells out. Plus I need some type of GMK WoB set to go with my GMK WoB shinethrough kit & GMK Dark RGB kit (although Dark RGB goes pretty well with a bunch of sets, seen it with Dolch & was fire!). BTW Shop Pay’s “buy now, pay later” option makes impulse purchases way too easy. Gonna have to back off using that real quick here, LOL!


Same issue with mine, man. It’s getting to the point that I think they are now just trying to drop me off on the last person I spoke with or heard from.

KFA has been such sour subject since I got into this hobby, and really equate any dealings I have with them as a “necessary evil” and describe the feelings I have about doing so as the same I do whenever I have to go to the DMV…

Things only seem to be getting more out of hand, and the lack of transparency or consistency in updates I can only assume is due to the sheer size of the amount of different group buys and they have other customers waiting on. Scrolling through all of them on their Discord server, while adding validity to my fear, really starts to make things feel even more maddening.

Going forward, I think I will be looking at a Canadian distributor and just dealing with higher shipping rates in exchange for the solace of getting my order around the same time as others in this hemisphere.

[end rant. :triumph:]


I ordered the PaiGu stabs from KPrepublic on Aliexpress, their discord limited earlybird discount made 7 pieces set cost $15 ($12 excl swedish tax)


I ordered my first KKB set - Violet Alert! But I missed getting the extensions and numpad kits so trying to find both in stock somewhere - at least the extensions kit.


Ordered some more gateron lunar probe switches. I’m thinking all I need is these and smoothies. Smoothies in cases that need some clack, and lunar probe for cases that are already resonant and need more of a thud. Very much wish they were more stable, but I would solder these in stock without hesitation.


Are the lunar probe regular MX switches? Might have to grab some if so. I really like the smoothies & if they are factory lubed as good as them the lunar probes should be winners too!

Yes. These are the first “dual rail” switches they came out with. They feel a bit muted on bottom out and more like a cherry, full travel switch. The “dual rail” is touted as being for good stability. I feel like these are just as wobbly as their cheapest KS-8 switches. But once you get them in a board and type… :cook::kiss:


Can I ask how you feel about the 3.6mm travel? Does it bother you that much?

I am curious cause I have tried the Blueberry Chiffons at 3.2mm, and it was much too aggressive for me, to the point where I am thinking reduced travel is clearly not for me. However a lot of switches that I am interested in these days seem to be hovering in the 3.6-3.9mm range. I am wondering if I should give these a shot, or if the reduced travel will still bother me.

Just trying to gather some peoples’ thoughts that might be in a similar mindset. Thanks!

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I have several short travel switches and I like some and dislike others. These don’t feel that short to me. I’m a fan

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Perfect! Thanks for the opinion, that was my hunch. 3.6mm seems like it would be a lot less noticeable than the 3.2mm switches I have in my inventory. :+1:

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