What is on your desk today?


I love this set - GMK Godspeed. I’m hoping the next launch attempt for Artemis 1 is successful, after being scrubbed yesterday.

May just leave the set on the board for good vibes!


JWICK Nylon T1s - crazy good for 30 cent switches.


Yo but hit us up with what boots you got

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Nothin special, just a pair of Ariat’s.



Just set up the long boi. Typing on plateless is so good.


so nice. The board is beautiful, but the bottom is an absolute work of art.

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You piqued my curiosity: what would you consider the best T1 variant? Also, how did you lube the JWICK Nylon T1s? The typing tests you just posted for them sound great!

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My favorite T1 variant is probably Lilac Tactiles, with Dark Ambers and Kiwis close behind.

Honestly the only one I don’t like would be Koalas; they can be tuned to be about as good as the others, but the state they come in is a lot more rough and they take more work. Those other three are basically good to go, maybe some films if you’re picky and a specific lube if you want to dial-in the feel, but stock Koalas rattle, ping, and tick something fierce.

Sunflowers get an honorable mention just because they’re over-the-top punchy. If reggo T1s are not strong enough for you, check these out. They do sacrifice smoothness for that punch, though.

Ambers are probably the smoothest having a generous factory lubing that includes the tactile legs, which also does mellow the bump a little. They’re made of clear Nylon so they have a nice snappy clack, too. Lilacs are also more mellow, but I think it’s down to the leaf in those. If I understand correctly, Kiwis are basically T1s with some fancier materials and a revised top housing in the mix.

As for the JWICKs - would you believe I installed them straight from the bag? They have a light factory lube that’s totally passable; stupid-good for a budget switch.


I have Lilacs and Kiwis in builds (first batch for both), and while I enjoy the bump profile, even when lubed, the excessive leaf noise they can make dimishes the experience a bit. I usually wear headphones so I’m subject to it. I got a package of the JWICK T1’s when they hit a NA vendor, but I have yet to check them out. Maybe the T1 platform has evolved a little :crossed_fingers:.

Freshly built so I have to use it for the rest of the day


holy smokes, that looks awesome! Are those Blizzardmods hipro? I have a black set and I like em a lot.


I really like my lilac tactiles, but I think I’ve only ever had SA on them. I don’t hear leaf noise from all the clack. Always have used them stock in a rather loud board. I know what you mean about leaf noise being a turn off. I have some lubed penguin switches that feel quite nice, but man… that leaf noise is irritating


They are! The teal color way. I love them, definitely interesting sound as well.


candid pic for twitter ~

iron grey Midway60! rebuilt it with the full alu plate + thicthoc marshmallows with 63.5g long springs + epbt GoK BoW R1. random gray ABS spacebar from tokyo60 keycap set.


Out with the Box White, in with the NK Silk Milkshakes. Huge love for this switches, now the board wont leave my desk for some time. I call this creation Milkshake Truck now…


Ignore the complete mess.

I am sporting the Melgeek Mojo68 with Gateron Whites, Xtrfy M4 Wireless, Ducky Pocket Numpad, Kinera IDUN IEM’s and one of our own ONEofZERO deskpads (Shameless plug).


Very happy with the windx98 that I got recently, built with gateron azure and gmk muted. The color and the choice of keycaps took inspiration from @hellla 's midway60 post a while back, and it matches my Mac and monitors quite well. Also, after a year with light weight, short spring linear, my preference is going back to tactile, and medium weight two-stage springs.


Beautiful build!