What is on your desk today?

Model OLED. I tried R3 SA and it was good, but the curve is pretty subtle, so it still didn’t quite feel “sculpted”.

Fully sculpted SA feels and sounds heavenly. I don’t know that I’ve ever had a profile that felt this “right” to my fingers. But for looks… GMK Muted Retro is :heart_eyes:

GMK feels good on the curve as well, except you get a bit more of the sharp edge on the space bar from the negative tilt.

The epic sound from the roller linears is not as interesting with GMK.

Next is trying out some clicky (gateron melodic and cream clicky). Also going to try MTNU, DCS, and DSS.


My New Budget Hall Effect Favorite— T68-C HE Keyboard


I am still here!!

Sorry I haven’t been posting much as of late. Basically, 2024 wrapped up kinda crappy, so I was dealing with a lot of that. :triumph:

What better way to kick off the new year than with a new keeb??!! This is my TKD Cycle 8 build!!

This spec is basic black with the partial polished SS rear weight. I went wired, so internally I opted for the brass weights and brass battery cover to add some heft. :muscle:

For the PCB, I opted to Millmax, but ran into an issue with the sockets for the enter key, as one of the pin holes was also the switch housing stem hole and came loose, pulling what little pad was available with it. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

The frustrating part about this is that the PCB uses a ribbon cable connector rather than a regular JST connector, so I needed to repair rather than replace, as all of the add-ons are sold out… :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

With the socket repaired, everything worked great, and I was even able to retain the ability to hotswap that Millmax allows. Granted it’s not pretty, but it’s not the worst I have seen either. :face_with_peeking_eye:

I opted to go with a quieter build than usual, so Geon x Haimu (HG) Silent linears in red were my switch of choice. I also went full foam (case, PCB, and plate) just to really make this a sleeper build that will allow anyone’s significant other remain asleep. :sleeping:

I decided to go with Mode stabs, as these have been a great budget choice that I can wholeheartedly endorse to folks that have a Cherry Stab budget, but not Cherry Stab patience. :money_with_wings:

Went with the PC plate and used the tadpole mounts. Aside from the PCB snafu, the build was incredibly easy and everything felt solid and the tolerances were very nice. While not the cheapest option in this class, it does feel like a board that should cost much more, so there is a feeling of value with it.

Keycaps were an impulse buy, but ended up really take this buld to the next level of classy: Geon x Keykobo Piano Black. :musical_keyboard:

Yes, they are very prone to fingerprints, but who of us here doesn’t have a few microfiber towels within reach of their keebs??

Artisan duties were handled by Hibi with their keycap designed for GMK ZÍMŌ. I have been enjoying losing a lot of my free time to Baldur’s Gate 3, and the running joke I have with my friend that I have been co-op’ing my current run with, is that we need a dice role to help us choose some of the stupid choices and side quests we pursue next. This artisan is that solution!! :game_die:

I have really been enjoying the build, although accidentally hitting the wrong key has made me the butt of a lot of “form over function” comments from my friend during gameplay, I still love just looking at it while I am waiting for my turn during battles.

There are a couple of builds I snuck in just before the end of the year that I am going to try to get around to posting here, but at the very least, they should be up in my IG page in the coming days…

Happy New Year!!! :confetti_ball:


Today I built my Apparition clear Classic-TKL

This one has knight v2 stabilizers, Gateron Fade switches, and GMK Modern Materials Concrete + Accents.

Built with no foams. It sounds and feels quite premium. Switches are definitely on the heavy side. Overall, I’m very happy with the build. Now to put it to work.


Those keycaps look like fingerprint magnets, you can probably use the thing as forensic evidence with the detail those fingerprints are going to be.

Haven’t had my Space65 on my desk for a long time. I still like this build a lot. Built with the first batch of JWK Tangerines (lubed and filmed) and a carbon fiber plate.

I like the way this cheap SA set looks on it. It’s a nice typing experience to boot.


Switched my Ellipse back to TTC Aces and grabbed a purple spacebar from the box to celebrate.


A great config! I reach for my white Cybervoyager every once in a while. The build is a little similar in that it has gen 1 JWK switches (H1’s with 67g springs) and hi profile caps (KAT Eternal). Just rocking the alu plate though.


It’s bright, and I love it! GMK Hi! Viz on my Portal - carbon fiber plate and Emogogo tactiles.


What cheap SA set is that?

1 Like

REDQIN PBT Keycaps Set- Avocado


Probably sells under different names as well


We talkin’ about cheap stuff?!?!?! LOL.

When we try to categorize, IIRC the Ghost Alien and Emoji caps are referred to as “QX SA.” The Rocket Ship/Robot Arm/Maple Leaf ones are “AF SA”. Both are all over the marketplace sites with different names, or just “SA”. Both are discussed on a thread.


Finally, a QX SA / AF SA opaque set with colours I enjoy!

I found it on Amazon Canada, but it’s $50 CAD b/c of import fees and shipping.

Going to try to find it on AliExpress, thanks pixelpusher for identifying the set.


Since it’s been a bit chilly down here, dropped the new JTK Snow Camping HSA set on my KFA Freebird TKL.

HSA and MTNU have definitely made me realize I prefer spherical scoops over cylindrical by a LOT. I am not as much of a fan of the “deep dish” homing keys they have, though. (I know, the nubbins can rub off over time, but it’s just so hard to tell the depth without running the same finger over other keys.)


The [slightly] Quiet[er] Touch Unicomp-made Model M I sort of accidentally bought has arrived, and… well… I don’t hate it.

If “mush” is the most hated thing about dome-over-membrane keyboards, this one really does not have that problem. The tactile event for this thing is very distinct, and bottom out is rather firm, but not quite harsh. It is noticeable that travel is lower than with the buckling spring version, and your fingers can definitely tell rubber domes are involved somewhere in the process, but nothing’s really a dealbreaker. TBF, if I’d done my research I still wouldn’t have bid on it, but now that it’s here, the price of $45ish shipped (not including a Pro Micro) for an example in excellent condition is quite fair. Definitely an interesting board to have around.

It mostly worked just by booting with it in the PS/2 port, but Windows assumed a not-quite-right scancode set, so the converter is fairly necessary for this terminal board. I flashed a Pro Micro with Hasu’s converter, and after barely managing not to fry everything by messing up the breadboard, it’s working exactly as I laid out, including the shortcuts and media keys I wired on the left and the topmost row. I remapped the center of the cross-nav to be a second down, because inverted-T is best T. The only thing I have on a layer now is some mouse movement stuff, because what the hell is left to put on a layer? :rofl:

Now, I need to decide how to package that converter and move a few keycaps around to better match the mostly-PC layout I set up.



These things are underrated. Well-built rubber-domes are fine.

Something like this would have been more than adequate for most offices and workstations. It’s better-built than probably my first 2-3 keyboards.

I shouldn’t have said any of this - people will jack up the prices on these nice rubber-domes.


I’ve never been a fan of TKLs but got an awesome deal on two Tiger80 Lites and GMK Symbiote. Neither really stood out to me but now I can’t get it off my desk.
Turns out my Boba LTs also get a second chance simply because of how well they match GMK Symbiote. They’re spring swapped with triple stage Geon springs and lightly lubed and feel pretty poppy. I don’t mind the short travel as much with the springs now that they don’t accidentally activate just by resting my fingers on them, but they still sound pretty rattly and thin compared to other switches. I believe general consensus is Bobas should not be filmed but I may give that a shot.

Never though I’d be keeping a TKL on the desk!

Potato cellphone pics:

Update: I relubed and filmed most of the switches and man what a difference. I must have lubed way too lightly before, or maybe it’s the film. Whatever it was, it sounds and feels so much better.