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Twisting the pins have become standard for this.
Let’s hope the new Kailh hotswap prevents this.


I didn’t realize that Kailh was making a revision. Do you happen to have a link to any info? I’d love to read up on them if possible.

I think I saw a headline about it here somewhere. Can’t remember :grimacing:

But I believe the new Ducky one 3 will have them.
They pretty easy to spot because they come in different colors.


You can use a soldering iron an needle nose pliers to tighten the socket but agree twisting the pin is a easier fix, can also be replaced but risk damaging the pads

I have tried the new ones good but not that much different but I haven’t had issues with the originals. Oddly hard to find in black. OMG they come in even more colors now (pink, purple, blue and hopefully “normal” green as the Jade ones I have are a vary unappealing color imo)!


Thanks for the info. Has anyone heard reviews or feedback on the Gateron hot swap sockets? I’m not sure that they are all that different from Kailh’s implementation.

Idk if it’s just me after swapping to a second set of switches split the inner part of the sockets and popped some sockets out. May have been the switches being incompatible but never have I ever had this issue with Kailh sockets… again may just be me…

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Think imma lube these up rq before I go see the new spider man. Probably gonna use 3204 or 3203 since these things are pretty darn smooth and I quite like the sound profile.


Weekend project is a go.


This immediately has my attention! Please let us know how it goes! I haven’t heard much yet about how the stabilized and space bar sliders are so I’m curious.

From what I heard, the stabilized sliders are a bit rotated, so they need to be gently straightened out.

Given how other MX sliders have performed, that doesn’t seem like the worst outcome. I have a black HHKB and though I’d strongly prefer a white one, I may go this route so I can at least use my existing keycap sets.

Spider-man I-better-rent-a-home is next… Invite me over and I can help :3

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Oh? How does one do this?

put on a stabilized keycap, twist

Haha. I was expecting something more involved. Perfect, thanks :pray:t3:

i swear–i balked at getting the jig as well. i wish DES would sell just the metal part but at $15-20…

I’ve done the mod, check the heavy grail thread for my photo.
My enter was rotated, that’s cause I botched the right hole.
My only really complaint would be the spacebar rattle. Loads of lube, still rattles. The tolerance is too tight for a holee mod and the rattle seems to be coming from the wire moving in the housing part or the stab pin hitting the housing(the pin has these legs on them to prevent misalignment).
I’ll need to order some shrink tube to see restricting side to side movement works.

I used BDZ to lube the spacebar and its fantastic

Usb-c fc660c controller from evyd13!

I used some hobby files from Christmas to widen the USB mini hole. Back to one cable, “to rule them all”


Nice! Works with VIA as well correct? Where can you pick up one of these?

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