What's on your workbench today?

Making ghetto gaskets for my new LW67 FR4 plate out of double stick tape and good old zip-n-fit contact shelf liner

Not sure if it will compress enough, but I have some thinner craft foam for plan B


Another day, another silicone pour. I hope it’s done tomorrow to test it out. I made a few tries with the board now, and never really was satisfied with the sound. I really hope this works now.


Built my RS60 with a PC plate today. Felt great. Sounded super hollow and pingy on the top row and sides.

So, I decided to add some small strips of tape around the screw holes for a “force break” mod.

Sound went from 5/10 to 9.5/10.

Completely different sound profile. Sounds perfect now!

I’ll post better photos on a sunny day and try to show the mod. For now I’m enjoying typing on it too much to take it back apart. Forgot how much I like lilac tactile switches.


This mod is magic, no need to stuff your board with foam :smiley:


Exactly. my first instinct was “this board might need some foam.” But there’s not really room for it. So I tried this first. Stunning difference.


Started soldering my second CRKBD, greatly improved my SMD LED soldering technique. But now I’m out of LEDs for the other half.


The Hello M0110 is at the Cerakoter’s so until then this beaut will be getting plenty of sexy eyes from me. Lol. Does anyone have a link to the plate files or know of a shop with them in stock? I’m thinking something in copper would be so perfect.


A full review with extensive testing is on its way, but the Geon Tool is making a good impression on me so far.


The plate file is posted in the thocc supply discord: Discord

I built mine with a PC plate and like it a lot.

I also liked the zebra wood one a that you can still get here:

But, uh, yeah I had a mixup with that wooden one. So im not sure how it feels in the correct case. :grimacing:


That’s a twofer, plate files do exist and TIL they also make wooden plates for 60%. I’m much obliged good sir!

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The 4pplet.com pcb works in it if u want to build it with alps.


Tata80 - the slow build…

Lubed and screwed in the M-One stabs. Never screwed in stabs before and learned it’s a bit fiddly…:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Next step: deciding on the foam…that’ll take me at least one fishing session :fishing_pole_and_fish: (I’m on holiday :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:)

Edit: one fishing session later…I’ll go all foam and if I don’t like it, start removing foam bit by bit :wink:

Also, excited to try the Aflion Blue Sky Switches that I toyed with for the Keebmonkey Cozy75 (they sounded so much better than the Momoka Frogs!)


So far, so good.

Note to self, buy more switches for a TKL…:person_facepalming:t2:

Out of curiosity, when trialling different switches for a board, do you have a preferred spot and use a few switches, or do you do the full board? I find that they often sound differently in different spots (depending on the keyboard), making comparisons hard.

Next up, installing the swan gaskets and putting it all in the case.


Got a Nissho in and decided to rebuild it after harvesting the keycaps. Was able to retrofit a 104u to allow for USB C cable to be added. Uniform 30g domes are pretty nice too!


It looks like I might have gotten a dodgy batch of switches as about 20-30% don’t actuate :pensive: it didn’t even occur to me that that was a thing…it’s a bummer as I really liked the sound and feel of the Blue Sky switches and I hope I can troubleshoot with the vendor


The CST finally got button 4/5 today, the Kailh Choc fit perfect in there. And with Mill-max attached to the cables, just in case.


If you’ve ruled out bent pins, bad PCB, broken hotswap sockets, etc… that’s incredibly bad luck. Out of about the 2000 switches I own (about 24 sets), I think I’ve only had two individual switches where they didn’t actuate, and one of those was probably because I broke something opening it up. Hope the vendor sends you replacements.

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Today on my table. The table itself
Updated my desktop.
The table has become larger, but there is no more space at all ((((



That’s a great looking desk! :heart_eyes:

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I pulled out my southpaw today and put in a bit of elbow grease to repolish the weight since it’s been a couple of years and I’m planning to bring it to the Greenville meetup in March.

All photos