Post Your Keyboards!

This guy job is impressive!
Seems the last keyboard he made was yours :wink:

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The pen holder is absolutely wonderful on that board!

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Was holding off posting my KBD19X build till I snapped some non-potato photos and wrote up a build log, but I loved the way the golden hour light caught it today so here ya go :slight_smile:


Nice! Looking forward to your build log - 19x has been my daily driver for months now, I think it’s underrated.

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My Simply96 on the work desk, replacing my good old Topre board just behind it.
This is a project I started about 8 months ago, I’m so happy to use it for the first time at work:)
For the curious people the design and build log is available here in Keebtalk: Simply96, a personal keyboard project


looks dope




Lubing some Holy Yok Trash Pandas in front of my recently built Leaf60 with epbt heavy industry - I was going to replace heavy industry with SA VoC whenever that comes in…but now I’m having second thoughts. I think the yellow accents go really well with the brass showing through the polycarbonate case.


Finally got around to assembling my Planck Rev6 with T1’s and GMK 9009. And, idk, I’m not really a fan of the sound of the T1’s in the hipro case; they’re too “ping-y”. The spacebar on the other hand sounds and feels fine using the Rama stab method.

Edit/Update (5/30): Figured out why the T1’s sounded so bad. It’s because the PCB mounting legs weren’t fitting well in some parts of the Planck PCB, as in, they were so tight it warped something about the PCB/Switch itself. I recall having this issue when I was test fitting my Preonic Rev3, but in that case I couldn’t fit PCB mount switches at all. So, yeah, threw some Minty Holy Panda’s in the Planck and it sounds much better/consistent now. newby TIL


Fairly recently received my Grid 600 from another buyer that was disappointed the “green” of the peaks module ended up looking more bluish and didn’t match their intended keyset. I installed Holy GSUS switches lubed with 3203 into a DZ60. Halfway regretting that as I’m sure the underglow leds of the pcb likely burned into the anodizing like they did with the Tofu. Ah well… you live, you learn. Glimy’s DSA 2077 set seemed to match the color of the module. Love this board. My only gripe is I wish pbt would be capable of these colors. I’m too afraid to type on them because I don’t want them to shine. It has a nice pbt-like texture to it. I had to get the deskpad because it reminds me of evenings spent on Shaver Lake.


Well it sure matches that desk mat!

The yellow matches so perfectly with the rest of the keyset :grinning:

I really love this

That’s truly an amazing matching setup you have there.

Thanks guys! Wish this set would release on gmk and I’d be close to end game :wink:

Finally recieved the DC60 B-stock that Alf gave as a compensation for the Alf X1.1 GB. I figured it would be a nice board to use the DCS Turtle keycap set on that has been in my closet for ages. Really happy with the purple board, couldn’t think of another color that clashes more with the keycap set :stuck_out_tongue:

Switches are milky gat yellows, plain60-b pcb and carbon fiber plate. So actually nice to type on, just looks horrible and I love it :smiley:


love it, man. It doesn’t look horrible at all. It looks fun! It’s your Mardis Gras board.

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