Things that make us go... hmmm

Not even Cherry is sticking to naming conventions anymore… but a more pressing question…

Why is it called that

The best thing about this is the joke that OP walked straight into with the top comment.

Correction: top two comments. What a mess that is :rofl:

my iGK61 does/did that. I did rip the microphone off of it just to be on the safe side, however. So it no longer works :slight_smile:

Hah! I didn’t think about the implications of a microphone in a keeb…and I’m the person who’s normally pretty paranoid about such stuff.

Funny that’s two keyboards that have this feature. I would never have known about it on the one I have here if I hadn’t come across some promo materials about the keyboard…it’s not really documented (ie, the docs says that you can change the lighting modes, but it doesn’t list them…)

Maybe that will be my third wave of unusual keyboards: keyboards with VU Meters in them… or Keyboards with built-in microphones…


It wouldn’t be so bad if it was just a VU meter of the system output, not with a microphone. Of course then you’d have to route your system audio through your keyboard. Reminds me of that old internet joke about every app eventually expanding to do email. Insert joke about keyboards eventually becoming SMTP clients…

“Noppoo Lolita Spyder” Gahhhh, I didn’t think much about it, but here I am.

Noppoo. The brand name. Weird sounding, but there’s also “Rapoo”, so whatever.

Lolita. According to the google images, its ladies dressed in Victorian clothing. And the book. Okay…

Spyder” spelt like that. A weird looking vehicle motorcycle thing or just a convertible.

…yep, those are weird combinations of words for a keyboard.


How did this post get so many upvotes lol
And bobagum has higher thock score than u4t? even gazzew wouldn’t agree this

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That’s what I thought it was when I first read about - I thought it was going to take routing the audio through the keyboard… But then it didn’t, and I realized that it was responding to my typing on it.

But now I am wondering if the system sees the microphone… That could be a very bad thing. I definitely don’t want to have a microphone on my computer that I don’t have control over. Having a cell phone is bad enough.

And yeah, the jokes about everything becoming an SMTP server seems to have morphed into everything is a camera / microphone now.

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Where is GMK Dune? Someone out there struggling with the Fremen alphas or what?


I just watched Dune tonight and I have to say, I was not disappointed.

However, if I put my “aktshully” hat on. There can’t be a keycap set for Dune because computers are prohibited by stricture from the Orange Catholic Bible. Hence the need for Mentats like Thufir Hawat. :nerd_face:


There could be so many Dune themed sets…

  • Arrakis / Shai Hulud – desert sandy colors, bronze accents
  • Fremen / Stillsuit – dark neutrals (brown, navy, or black) with cobalt accents
  • Usul / Muad’dib – black on moon-grey with cobalt accents
  • Harkonnen – black on black with red accents and this artisan
  • Atreides – gold on black with dark red accents
  • Spice Melange – gold on burnt orange with cobalt accents
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this happens fairly often but it’s just so confusing…
This isn’t a keyboard related shipment but still making me go ‘hmmm’ hard.




Task failed sucessfully.

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On the same level with my pet peeve about GB’s being listed as “In stock”.

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Understanding postal service routing and logistics is the thing of nightmares. Within about a 25 mile radius of me there are at least 6 post offices. Of those six, five of them route to City A, while one routes to City B. City A is around 40 miles away, City B is 60 miles away…

but, here’s the kicker: mail routed through City B will consistently reach it’s destination quicker than mail routed through City A… That includes mail that has a destination of City A.



I somehow despise you now because I just read through that monstrosity…My head hurts.

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Guys, guys, here me out. This is the peak of my comedy career:

Can you smell… what durock is cooking


I warned you upfront about the nightmares… :laughing:

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I hope you heard my sigh from where you are lol